𝟏𝟗 - ambition

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author pov

the sand felt cool under the girl's feet as she ran toward the shore. the stars shone above in the night sky, giving her enough light to see where she was going. excitement bubbled up inside of tsireya as she spotted lo'ak already seated on his ikran, calming the large animal. she knew what they were going to do was disobeying orders, but she did not care as she would get to spend more time with lo'ak.

"are you ready?" lo'ak held out his hand to help her on.

tsireya nodded, allowing him to pull her up behind him. she had ridden with lo'ak once before when they had returned from the forest, but tonight felt more special to her.

"okay, just hold on to me." tsireya immediately wrapped her arms around his waist as the ikran jolted in the air, flapping its large wings. she held on tighter and squeezed her eyes shut as they soared through the air.

very soon were they amongst the clouds and what felt like the stars. lo'ak let out a loud whooping noise at the rush of adrenaline, turning his head to see if tsireya was looking.

"are you seeing this view?" he shouted.

tsireya slowly opened her eyes, her breath being taken away at the sight below her.

the village had become so small and the torches around the marui pods were tiny bulbs of gold that illuminated the ocean. the starlight was also reflecting on the calm ocean water, creating tiny flecks of white light on the surface.

"it's beautiful," tsireya breathed, her grip on lo'ak's waist loosening.

lo'ak smiled and landed his ikran near the cove of the ancestors. he patted the ikran's head and slid off, helping tsireya down with caution. the two walked slowly across the rocks before lo'ak had a silly idea.

he snuck up on tsireya, who was walking carefully along the rocks in front of him, and gave her a small push before racing ahead of her.

"lo'ak!" she squealed, almost losing her balance as she tried to chase after him. although lo'ak was faster, he was not skilled at jumping across rocks. tsireya, on the other hand, was able to catch up to him in a few swift movements.

she pulled gently on lo'ak's tail, making him yelp in surprise.

"woah, you're fast!" he exclaimed, a laugh escaping his mouth when he saw tsireya's mischievous expression. "how did you do that?"

"never underestimate your teacher," she responded, giggling and hiding her mouth with one hand.

lo'ak raised an eyebrow at her, amused. "my teacher, huh?" He stepped closer to her, his eyes locking onto hers. "what else can my teacher show me?"

tsireya felt her cheeks flush as she looked up at him. there was something about the way he looked at her, the way he made her feel, that she couldn't resist. she leaned her body against his, feeling his breath against her neck as he whispered in her ear.

"i want to show you something," he murmured, his lips brushing against her skin.

tsireya's heart raced as he took her hand, leading her to a secluded spot on the rocks. he pulled her close, his lips meeting hers in a passionate kiss. the kiss left lo'ak breathless but at peace that she was with him, and that he had her all to himself.

the two settled down under the protection of the small cove, staring up at the stars in silence, with only the sound of the waves and their slow breathing.

"how did you like the ride here?" lo'ak whispered as he turned to her, pushing a loose curl away behind tsireya's shoulder.

"it was nothing like i had seen ever before," tsireya gushed, her smile widening. "i spend so much time in the ocean, i never knew what it was like up there... and the night sky, it is so beautiful..."

lo'ak's eyes traveled over tsireya, admiring her dimples and the way she blinked quicker when she was excited. the bioluminescent dots on her skin glowed a beautiful aqua color. he smiled softly as she finished speaking.

"you must miss your home a lot," she murmured a faraway look in her eyes.

"only sometimes," he responded, shaking his head. "my home is here now."

"i know... but i saw you, lo'ak. you act differently when you are in the forest. when you are surrounded by the trees, by the-"

"tsireya. my home is here... with you," he repeated himself gently, squeezing her hand as he stared deeply into her eyes.

tsireya bit her lip and bowed her head, a small smile creeping on her lips.

"tsireya... can i ask you something?" lo'ak murmured, staring out at the ocean.

the girl's gaze softened and she grabbed his hand slowly, slipping her fingers into his. "anything," she nodded, her head tilting.

"would you.. maybe... one day like to join my clan?" he asked her as he turned to face the girl, feeling a lump rise in his throat as he uttered the question.

tsireya froze and stopped caressing his hand, turning her head towards the ocean. she was silent for a moment before answering.

"someday... i would love to," she agreed, lifting her face to the night sky and squeezing her eyes shut. "i pray to eywa that my parents would let me."

lo'ak chuckled and wrapped an arm around her side, pulling her closer to him. little did tsireya know that she was lo'ak's whole world, she was her home and what lo'ak's heart desired.

tsireya felt a warmth spread through her chest as lo'ak held her. she felt safe with him, and loved as they sat, looking out at the ocean and the sparkling stars above, she couldn't help but wonder what their future held. she knew that joining the omaticaya clan would mean leaving her old life behind, but she was willing to do it for him.

"lo'ak," she murmured, turning her head slightly to look up at him. "do you think we'll always be together?"

he smiled down at her, his eyes full of affection. "always," he replied. "i can promise you that."

tsireya felt her heart flutter at his words. she knew that promises could be broken, but she also knew that lo'ak kept his word. she leaned up and kissed him softly on the chin.

as the night wore on, lo'ak and tsireya stayed together in the small cove, lost in each other's company. they talked about everything, from their dreams and aspirations to their fears and doubts. it was a moment of intimacy that neither of them had experienced before, and it solidified their bond under the starry night sky.

𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 | lo'ak x tsireyaWhere stories live. Discover now