𝟏𝟓 - dejection

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author pov

a warm morning breeze blew into the marui pod, awakening tsireya with a start. it was to be another beautiful day. she was still feeling euphoric from her conversation with lo'ak last night, which caused her to rush to get ready for the day. all she could think about was lo'ak. she knew the responsibility of tsakarem hung over her head and her duties lay before her, but she still desired to see him before it all began.

she smoothed her hair and readjusted her macrame top before stepping out of the marui pod, almost running into her mother who was about to enter at the same time.

"tsireya. where are you off to?" her mother asked in a demanding tone, eying her neatened appearance.

"i-i was going... going to see lo'ak," she admitted. she could never lie to her mother, even if she tried.

the tsahik sighed and shook her head. "my daughter, you are spending too much time with that boy. you must keep your mind on what is in front of you."

tsireya nodded in agreement, her head bowed in shame.

"remember, i told you that you are to teach the village children their breathing lessons today," ronal reminded her, pointing to the piles of herbs and baskets scattered on the floor. "and after that, we need to sort out those herbs."

"yes, mother, i remember," her daughter replied in a soft voice. she felt disappointment swirl about in her stomach, but she ignored the feeling and obediently walked away from the direction of the sully's marui pod and towards the village center.

when she arrived at the village center, tsireya found a group of children waiting for her. they were all gathered around a small clearing, with their mats already laid out. she took a deep breath and tried to push her feelings for lo'ak to the back of her mind. they would have to wait. she had a duty to fulfill, and she would not disappoint her mother.

as she began to teach the children their breathing lessons, tsireya felt her mind wander regardless of her desire not to. she couldn't help but picture herself and lo'ak running through the forests together, with the feeling of adrenaline and excitement. she wondered what he was up to and where she might find him afterward.

after finishing the breathing exercises, tsireya dismissed the children and saw ao'nung and rotxo walking by.

"ao'nung, rotxo!" she called with a wave. they hurried over to her, finishing up a conversation they were having.

"what's up, reya?" rotxo asked.

"have you guys seen lo'ak?"

rotxo shrugged.

"i haven't. i was expecting him to be at our training today, but he wasn't," ao'nung responded, a smirk creeping onto his lips. "why, is he your loverboy now?"

rotxo giggled while covering his mouth.

"shut up," tsireya slapped her brother lightly on the arm, rolling her eyes. "i'm going to help mother now. see you two later."

with a swish of her tail, she turned around and walked back to the marui pod.

tsireya began sorting the herbs with her mother in silence. as they worked, tsireya couldn't shake off the missing whereabouts of lo'ak. she tried to suppress them, but they kept creeping back into her mind.

"tsireya," her mother's voice interrupted her thoughts. "is everything okay? you are distracted."

tsireya paused, unsure of how to respond. she didn't want to lie to her mother, but she also didn't want to get into trouble.

"i'm fine, mother," she finally replied.

her mother gave her a skeptical look but didn't say anything more. they continued their work in silence, but tsireya's mind was racing. she couldn't focus on anything except for lo'ak.

⠀───⠀ 𓇼 ⠀───⠀

"and then she told me, 'you saved my life,' like, like you did! but i was shocked until i realized it was true," lo'ak chattered to payakan, using his hands to communicate with the large tulkun in the water.

payakan let out a low whistle, earning a chuckle from lo'ak. "what do you mean? it's true!"

a comfortable silence filtered its way between the two, except for the sound of the ocean waves moving around them. lo'ak knew he was missing out on his training today, but he had the strongest urge to see his best friend again. he readjusted his position on payakan's fin, turning his head to look him in the eye.

"i missed you, buddy," he admitted, a small grin curving his mouth upwards.

payakan blinked slowly, the waves splashing against his rough skin. i missed you too.

"but again, i was with tsireya the whole time. she made me feel better," lo'ak went on. "and... and i like her so much, i just don't know what to do about it sometimes." he sighed and lifted his head to the sky, blinking against the bright afternoon sun. "i don't deserve her."

his spirit brother let out a soft moan in response. have you told her how you feel?

"yes, i have. she knows. i just... don't know how to act around her. it's not like we're mates yet or anything. besides, i don't even know if she wants to be my mate."

why don't you ask your parents? are they not mates? came the tulkun's gentle reply.

"that's a great idea, payakan!" lo'ak's face lit up with excitement. "i-i can ask my dad. i'm sure he would know."

do your parents approve of your relationship with tsireya? payakan asked.

lo'ak rubbed the back of his neck, then ran a hand mindlessly through the water.

"well, i haven't really told them about it yet. i'm not sure if they would be fine with it. i know tsireya's parents would not be fine with it. they see me as a demonblood."

a low wail came out from payakan and he splashed about, causing lo'ak to tremble and struggle to keep his balance on the tulkun's fin. "hey, watch it!"

that does not mean anything! payakan responded. love has no boundaries.

lo'ak smiled vaguely, patting the tulkun's side gratefully. "i understand that. but with the na'vi, it's a bit different. the metkayina clan, they have important traditions that they follow. like how they celebrate the tulkuns returning. but i'm an outcast, like you, so i doubt they would let me be with tsireya, let alone be her mate one day."

i understand. but i am here for you, whatever happens, payakan blinked slowly.

"thanks, buddy. you always know what to say to make me feel better," lo'ak grinned, leaning his back against the tulkun's side. he stared out into the distance and watched the ocean before turning back to him.

"wanna go for a swim?"

𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 | lo'ak x tsireyaWhere stories live. Discover now