𝟏𝟎 - elation

558 19 10

tsireya pov

i was awakened by the sound of a faint scratching noise. my body felt cold and sore from whatever i was laying on. i sat up and blinked in confusion, wincing as i felt a sharp ache in my neck. i snapped out of my drowsiness when i remembered where i was.

my eyes scanned the room and to my relief, i found lo'ak in front of the door in a crouching position. i squinted in confusion, tilting my head to the side at his curious mannerisms. when i looked closer, i observed he was trying to pick at something through the closed door.

"lo'ak? what are you doing?"

the boy turned his head at the sound of my voice, his ears flicking upward. he gave me a cheesy grin and held up his knife for me to see. "it was a mistake for them to leave me in here uncuffed."

"but what if they come in here?" i asked worriedly, walking over to him and sitting down at his side.

"don't worry, we landed a few hours ago while you were asleep," he reassured me. " they left to explore the area, that is why i'm trying to unlock this door."

"wait, you're trying to escape?" i covered my mouth with one hand.

"yeah, and you're coming with me," he said determinedly, resuming his work on the door.

"but why? what if we are caught, lo'ak?" i protested, my voice raising out of fear. it frightened me to not know what was going to happen to us, and the last thing i wanted was for lo'ak to get hurt again.

"we won't," lo'ak stopped what he was doing and placed a steady hand on my shoulder. then he pointed to the window above our heads. "look at where we are."

i swiftly stood up and peered through the small glass on my tiptoes. from the front window of the aircraft, sunlight streamed into my vision, causing me to blink rapidly. when my eyes adjusted to the sudden intake of light, the first color i saw was green. green was everywhere. there were giant trees and shrubbery outside every window i could see.

"are we... in the forest?" i questioned aloud, glancing down at lo'ak.

he nodded, a bright smile lighting up his face as he looked at me. "that's right. familiar territory."

suddenly, a loud clunking sound from the outside of the door was heard. i supposed the lock had fallen off, and the fact was confirmed by lo'ak's sudden reaction.

"YES!" he pumped his fist in the air and quickly sheathed his knife. i smiled brightly at his accomplishment. before i could speak, he put a finger to his lips and motioned for me to stand behind him. i quickly obeyed his instructions.

with cautious hands, lo'ak slowly pushed the heavy door open a crack. he peered through it as i tried to peek over his head. i couldn't see what was happening from my position, but he explained it quietly to me.

"i see them. they're just talking to each other a few feet away outside. i think we have a chance to make it if we run."

lo'ak turned around to face me, but coincidentally our faces almost made contact with each other, because i had moved closer without him knowing. we both pulled away in embarrassment before he turned to me again, this time his golden eyes gleaming.

"do you trust me?"

the small question threw me off guard, but at the same time, i understood why he asked. it would be an understatement to say that i was scared. i was frightened for my life, and i'm sure my body language showed it even though i never told him. but there was something in the confidence of lo'ak's smile that made me want to go wherever he asked me to.

𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 | lo'ak x tsireyaWhere stories live. Discover now