𝟎𝟓 - honesty

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author pov

the stars were twinkling in the night sky. the clouds were gone and the storm had moved on, a perfect calming scene displayed in the sky above. however, the scene below the stars turned out to not be so peaceful.

the water glistened hues of blue, purple, and pink from the bioluminescent life below. the torches lighting the marui pods flickered in the dark as anxious voices gathered around the edge of the pathways. two metkayina warriors had found lo'ak calling for help at the edge of the reef. payakan had left them there safely and disappeared into the dark waters before the people could see him.

lo'ak gave the metkayina warrior a small gesture of thanks as he hopped off the ilu and onto the pathway leading to the marui pods. he followed the warrior carrying tsireya's limp body as the people gathered around the wounded princess in shock. some of them pushed him away, but he stood his ground and fought to follow where they were taking tsireya. all lo'ak could think about was her. if she was going to be okay, if she was still breathing. he didn't even think for a second what her or his parents would think.

"what is this?" tonowari entered the scene as they laid tsireya, who was still unconscious, on the ground in front of him. the chief's face turned from one of confusion to utter dismay. ronal appeared from behind him and let out a pained gasp, dropping to her knees and cradling the girl in her arms.

"who is responsible for this?" the tsahìk seethed, her eyes filled with rage. her gaze landed on lo'ak, who immediately dropped to his knees.

"tsahìk ronal, please-"

"i do not want to hear a word out of your demon-blooded mouth!" ronal hissed, her tone rigid with anger. because her daughter was hurt under his watch, she lost all the respect she had gained for him.

"wait, let him speak!" jake's voice interrupted. he had pushed his way through the crowd to advocate for his son. kiri and tuk joined to observe the scene as neytiri rushed forward.

"my son!" neytiri laid her hands on his shoulders, touching lo'ak's face all over. "are you alright?"

"what happened, lo'ak?" his father's voice sounded deeply disappointed after seeing tsireya.

lo'ak could not respond, his face emotionless as his gaze was locked on tsireya. "w-we... we were playing out in the ocean... and.... she got hurt. her leg was stuck between the rocks." he dropped his head in defeat, unable to speak anymore.

"see what your demon of a son has done!" ronal spat, cradling her daughter closer in her arms.

"how dare you call my son a demon!" neytiri screeched, losing her temper almost immediately. jake laid a hand on her shoulder to calm her down as tonowari approached lo'ak.

the boy slowly met his gaze through furrowed brows, his expression defeated.

"sir, i-"

"you've done enough, son."

the cold words of the metkayina chief somehow shape-shifted into a spear and impaled lo'ak right through his heart, leaving a giant hole. the boy could not think straight anymore. he had let down tsireya, her parents, and his own parents. it was all because of him. everyone surely hated him now. he could not breathe. suddenly feeling light-headed, he pushed past the crowd, running as fast as he could, the voices of his family behind him sounding muffled and distant.

lo'ak jumped into the water, the cold barely phasing him as he grabbed his braid to connect to the ilu he had summoned. he sped through the water as the connection surged feelings of anger through the ilu, causing it to swim faster. as they broke the surface, lo'ak failed to notice the droplets of water falling down his cheeks were not from the ocean. he was only thinking of one person. he knew of one person that had his back when everyone else let him down. only one person that stuck up for him at his worst. he needed that person now, more than ever.

𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 | lo'ak x tsireyaWhere stories live. Discover now