Twists And Turns

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The grounders start to get rowdy, displeased with what just occurred. Lexa, however, signals them to calm down. So they do so. Clarke stands a foot away from the dead beta. She clutches the blade in her hand tightly, accidentally gripping the sharp end and drawing blood. The blonde is frozen in place, unable to look away from all the penetrating gazes; all eyes are on her. She swears she can hear Raven's shrill cries, but her ears ring as she attempts to breathe. Lexa sends Anya to retrieve Clarke and guide her to the commander's tent. The scent of mint nears Clarke as she's pulled by it to the commander's tent. The blonde doesn't register Anya's presence as she's seated on a bench. She does, however, take notice of the alpha's departure after a few minutes of deafening silence.

That's when what she has done hits her full force. She looks at her blood-stained hands and sobs; she tries to wipe her hands on her clothes but realizes that she's just coating herself in Finn's blood. The blonde gets up, looking for something to wipe her hands with. In her frantic search, she finds a rag and rubs it on her skin like crazy. She rubs and rubs, but it's like the blood has engraved itself onto her skin, refusing to leave her alone. Clarke cries as she scrubs the blood off of her. The tears won't stop falling as she yells in frustration. Her hands hurt from the scrubbing, but she doesn't stop until a pair of hands cup her own.

Clarke looks up to face her mother, and she stutters as she speaks, "They would've tortured him–I–I had to–"

Abby doesn't let her finish as she brings Clarke in for a hug. She caresses her daughter's hair and strokes soothing circles along her back. "It's okay. I understand," Abby soothes.

Clarke allows herself to cry some more before they're interrupted by Anya. Clarke quickly wipes the tears from her eyes, willing herself not to break down in front of the grounders. She pushes her mother away slightly. Anya speaks then when she sees that Clarke has calmed down.

"The commander is ready to speak."

Clarke nods, and the commander, along with Indra and Gustus, come in. Lexa sits on her wooden throne, Indra and Anya at her side, and Gustus stays by the tent entrance. Their scents invade the tent, taking up the much-needed air. Lexa notices the omega's tear-stained cheeks and unruly hair from having been combed wrong. The commander takes the blonde in; although a mess, the omega stands tall in front of her. Once again, Lexa doesn't know whether to laugh in amazement or scold the girl for her rudeness. She does neither.

"Blood has answered blood," The commander starts. "Some say that's not enough. Our tradition required Finn to suffer, to answer to my people's anguish with his blood, but my people do not know that your suffering will be worse." Her gaze remains on the blonde. Lexa knows suffering; she knows this will haunt Clarke, but she also knows that an omega's nature is to love and care for others. That was what was holding Clarke from being a powerful leader. "This will haunt you for the rest of your days," Lexa voices.

Clarke doesn't look at Lexa anymore; instead, she lowers her gaze, holding herself back from screaming or crying. The commander continues to discuss what will happen going forward, including what will be done with Finn's body. Abby protests, but Clarke cuts her off.

"Fine. But when it's done, we talk about how to get our people out of Mount Weather, all of our people," Clarke emphasizes.

Lexa nods, "We want the same things Clarke."

"Good. When do we leave?" The blonde asks.

"Now. Choose your attendants," The commander discloses before exiting the tent with her own attendants.

Clarke moves to exit the tent when her mother stops her, "Clarke, you don't have to do this."

Clarke shuts her eyes, trying to remain calm, but her mother sometimes pushes her buttons, "Yes, I do. Move, please."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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