N.W Headcanons

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- You and Nancy had always been friends

- In 8th grade you started to realize you had a giant crush on her

- And lucky for you she did too

- At the Hawkins middle snowball you asked her to dance and the rest was history

- You both went into your freshman year together and nothing could pull you apart

- Except one night, the same night will went missing

- You weren't with Will, but you had gone missing too

- Nancy was completely lost without you and searched everywhere she could think of

- They found the two bodies in the quarry and everyone assumed it was you and Will

- When Nancy heard the news she was beyond heartbroken, she spent days crying in her room while her mom tried to cheer her up

- Getting ready for your funeral was something Nancy never imagined she would be doing this early in life

- She didn't believe you were dead, Joyce had proclaimed Will's body wasn't real so the one they identified as yours must not be you either

- Nancy was even more committed to finding you after that

- When you were found along with Will, she was the first to come visit you in the hospital

- After that you both were inseparable, you slept at each other's houses and went on dates during your lunch period and on weekends

- Every Friday night you took Nancy bowling and she always won

- Her family loves you, Karen makes you cookies for special occasions and Ted will occasionally crack a smile at your presence

- You spent a lot of time with Nancy's younger sister Holly

- Every summer you take Nancy to the fair and win her a bunch of prizes

- You both got into Emerson except she's going for journalism and your going for sports management

- You both share an on campus apartment

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