N.D. Headcanons

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- Lots of Instagram posts

- The fans love your relationship

- Binge watching stranger things when the new season comes out and rewatching all the scenes with Nancy while Natalia tries to get you to stop

- Lots or cuddles

- Definitely a PDA couple, all the paparazzi pics have some form of PDA in them

- Natalia's family loves you and your family loves her

- You visit the stranger things set so often that they make you an extra

- You met her before she was on stranger things, you both met in college

- She put her education on pause while you stayed and got your degree and you both made long distance work

- Every break you had you went down to Atlanta to visit, and everytime she had days off she would come visit you

- Natalia supports you 100% in everything you do and you are the same to her

- Just before quarantine you two got married and you're families watched over zoom

- It was very spontaneous but you both agreed it felt right and this was the best time to do it since nobody was traveling for work for a while

- You kept your Instagram private for the longest time until you decided you wanted the fans to see how cute you and Natalia were so you changed it to public

- If you don't have work you go on her press tours with her, if you do have work you just put it on hold and go on the press tours anyway

- You own and manage a bunch of country clubs, so the only things you'd have to cancel were meetings

- You both have matching outfits for every occasion

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