The Basement

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*insert photo of some creepy ass room*
I've had this saved on my phone for basically 3 months

Austin surprisingly let me go to the kitchen without any problems. He yelled behind me,
"Make me a sandwich too!"

Walking down the hallway, it was difficult to conceal the growing smile on my face. I had completely step one. I was practically ready to escape, hint the sarcasm.

I was actually considering grabbing food before my great escape, but decided against it.

The house looks bigger when you have to put a pinpoint on one object. That object happened to be a small key.

I found myself to all of the drawers, pulling them out, then shifting through them. For at least ten minutes I had no luck with my hunt. There was no shiny figure that caught my eye or strong feeling in my gut.

Unlike most scenarios, I also did not happen to "stumble" upon any keys.

All I had was, it could be anywhere in the house. I knew that Austin would become suspicious soon enough, so I managed to whip up a sandwich in a matter of minutes.

Giving up on searching for the key, I decided to look around the house for possible escape spots.

The windows were not an option, for they were bared and had sensors that could go off at any give moment in time. So far all I could find was the front door and a strange basement.

I devised the plan to explore the basement and if Austin questioned me to say it was looking for more mustard or something.


The basement was dark and smelt old. A small lightbulb hung in the corner and I pulled the extending cord, turning it on. Light flooded the room. It started in small flickers, but soon enough I could see.

Boxes laid on the ground everywhere. The first one I reached for was filled with at least five handguns. Another had bombs of some sort. I think that all of them were filled with weapons.

The room was the size of a bit over average. It was big, but I could see everything by standing in one point against the wall.

Other than boxes, there was basically spiderwebs and dust. The ground was almost completely covered in dust. That was when I notices footprints that led to one box in the corner.

I followed them and opened the box. It was the only one without an inch of dust, but bigger than the others.

When I opened the top of the box, I couldn't help my jaw as it dropped to the ground.


Austin's POV:

Kally or Bailey or something had been downstairs for 20 damn minutes.

I yelled,
"Get your ass back up here!"

There was no response, so I yelled louder. I continued to sit for the next five minutes. Then I got up. That Girl was going to get it.

While walking downstairs, I grabbed the girl Luke left under the bed. I think he had a thing for Kalily. He clearly wanted her to see this hottie he left under the bed.

I remember the times when Luke would f*ck girls 24/7. When he was done he would kill them. Luke ended a lot of lives. Of course non of us cared because we did our own horrible stuff.

I can't remember why Luke stopped what he did, nor did I care. He may be my cousin, but we have a messed up family.

I blame it on our grandfather. He started the "family business." When you kill your first person when your only 12 it kind of sticks with you.

My parents are both dead, Bill had only one sibling, and his wife

We kinda stick together and respect eachother cause we're all we got.


Downstairs, Kally was not in the kitchen. All I could say to myself was shit, shit, shit, as a ran through the house. Bill would actually kill me if Kally managed to escape. She was his greatest prize, we could make millions off of her.

It took me a while to search the whole house. There was no sign of this girl anywhere.

I looked in bathrooms, closets, every square inch. Bill was gonna hang me off a cliff by my balls.

It was hard to control my anger and I so badly wanted to mark a hole in the wall.

I then heard a faint noise. There was only one place a loud noise would be made quiet, the basement.



The box looked bigger when multiple bodies were stacked inside. Now that I looked around the room all of the boxes were big enough to fit three or so people.

The one box I opened had a girl on the top. She was pretty, but now pale. You could tell that she had a nice body before it started to swell.

Below her, I could see another girl's mop of hair. They both could be my age.

I bit my lip, preventing anymore screams to escape. There were boxes around me filled with death and I knew that soon enough one of them would be me.

I ran to another box to confirm my fears, as I opened the top, I saw an older man. His body wrenched of smell and could have been there for months.

From the way I entranced, a creaking was heard. Instead of going to see why made the noise, I ducked behind a box.

"Kailey, Kailey," said a cooing voice. It was Austin. Next, a laughing was heard, there was someone else down here.

AN. Hey. I'm alive.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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