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I felt two palmy hands grab me from behind, but before words could escape my mouth, a thick piece of duct tape secured them together. All my senses were lost as I helplessly flailed my arms. I could not see or speak, all I could do was attempt to break the strong person's hold. Before I could escape, I was thrown into a car, I could hear the engine starting. My body was thrown about as their driving skills proved to be insane. I could already feel the bruises that were to be created on my small limbs. The only thing that could feel were hot tears dripping down my cheeks because everything else was now numb. They then stopped the car with a jolt. My sense of time proved useless as I was unsure if we had traveled for hours or minutes. I heard the door slam and soon enough arms scooped me up and lips whispered in a deep tone, "Don't struggle." It was a man.

I decided to oblige to his commands because I was powerless. I heard his heavy footsteps sound throughout a large room. They just echoed continuously and all I could do was cry. I was placed on a cushioned couch and felt a hand take mine. This confused me because it was small and warm, a great contrast from this man's. I then heard a young girl's shaky voice speaking. "I'm sorry." My voice came next, abandoning me by coming out stuttering. "W-what's g-going on?" She didn't answer me, but instead asked, "What is your name?" I hesitated before quietly replying, "Kailey." "Remember that," she said before her hand left mine.

My own lips quivered as I finally felt the coldness of the room sink in. "Kailey, Kailey, Kai-." I repeated until I felt a bang on the back of my head.


My eyes opened slowly and cautiously. As an instinct, my body shot up. I was in a room painted black and a while dress covered my body. Beside me was a half drunk glass of water. My head hurt and I could feel it pounding throughout my whole body. I let out a groan and attempted to stand up, failing. From my new angle, I noticed a small scrap of paper lying on the ground. It said:

"Dinner is at 9:00. There is a pill to help with the ache along with water. If you have trouble finding the dining room press the small, white button on your neck. Don't be alarmed. Everything will be okay."

My hand guided up to my neck and I almost screamed as I did, in fact feel a bump on my neck. My mind was confused, why was I here? How did I get here? But then it stuck me, I couldn't remember anything. I started to ask myself questions like:
How old are you? Nothing
Where do you live? NOTHING
What is your name?........nothing
I didn't even remember my name. I was scared, terrified. I felt my legs pick themselves up and despite the pain, carried themselves over to the door. I grabbed the knob and to my surprise, it creaked open. Instead of a clear hallway, all I could see was the frame of a large man...he held a gun.


I didn't say anything my mouth was dry and my hands trembled. It took me a while to fully examine his body, but all I knew at that moment was, I didn't belong here.

He pinned me in place with his glare and without thinking, I pressed the bump on my neck. Immediately, a man with a black mask pushed the other guy aside and grabbed me by his palmy hands. His hands felt familiar and the only reason I didn't shrug him off was because he was the only thing that felt normal at the moment.

We walked in silence before we came across a large door. He swung it open and I was pushed into a spacious room. In the middle, a small table placed itself with a pizza ontop it. There were six chairs and all were filled, but one. As you could imagine, the man placed me in it. Then, he sat next to me. The first words he said to me were, "I'm Bill, I murder and steal. Want any pizza?" My mouth was left agape, but the men all started to talk. The went in  a full circle.
The guy at the other side of me said, "I'm Calum, Bill's youngest criminal mind. I'm good with guns, so he hasn't let me go yet."
The girl next to him scoffed as she yelled, "I'm Tammy, I basically go undercover a lot and I'm married to Bill!"
Bill whispered in my ear, "Only one of her ears work."
Another guy then said, "I'm Micheal, friend of his son, and good with the ladies AND can hack anything." He then gestured next to him, "This is Ash, he doesn't talk, but he is a smart bad ass." As Michael laughed at his own joke, Ashton kept a strait face and said in a monotone voice,  "I talk."

Although I was still confused, for some reason these guys made me feel comfortable. That is until Calum pulled out a gun and put it to my head.
"I'm gonna cut the crap, basically listen to our rules and we won't kill you. You have questions. I won't answer them. Now eat, then Luke will show you your room."
"who's Lu-" my mouth started to speak until Calum put the gun towards my mouth and said
"I said no questions! I am not afraid to shoot your tongue either."
I looked around the table and they all nodded.


I didn't eat, it's kind of difficult to do when 10 eyes are piercing you in the spot. The door suddenly swung open, making me jump. "Luke!" Michael screamed.
The only thing he said was, "Where is she?"
They all seemed to move from me as I heard footsteps walking up to my back.
"Lets go." He demanded. "You're staying in my room."
As he pulled me up, I noticed as his height towered over me. His dirty blonde hair was gelled up and he carelessly twirled his lip ring between his teeth.
As we neared the door all the men and Tammy waved to me, except Ash and Calum, Ash was frowning and Calum made a gun motion.


I finally said a word to the man pulling me down a hallway, I was done being pushed around, so I ripped his hand from me and demanded,
"Where the hell am I?"
"Feisty," Luke said with a smirk.
I felt anger boiling in my stomach as I completely stopped in my tracks. I wasn't going anywhere.
His smirk faded as he bent down. He took my two ankles in his hands and effortlessly swung me off my feet.
I stood up rubbing my bum and now I was even more pissed.
I screamed, "WHERE THE HELL AM I," without even thinking of the consequences.
I looked up at Luke  and he looked even more pissed than I.
His blue eyes turned darker and his brow furrowed.
What scared me the most though was when he started laughing. My eyes widened in fear as his chuckles echoed through the halls. And for some reason, I ran.
He only saw this as a game as his longer legs gave him a large advantage as he was right behind me in seconds.
I felt his hot breath fan over my neck as he whispered, "You're in hell Kailey."
Kailey. Kailey? Kailey was me.
That was the only piece of information I received about myself and  I wouldn't forget it.


Luke led me into a medium sized room with a large bad pushed to the side and a bathroom on the other side. There was one window, but behind it was wooden planks.
In the corner I saw a mirror. A dirty girl with brown hair and broken, hazel eyes stared back at me. I raised my eyebrows and so did she. That  was me. Luke appeared behind me and hid something behind his back.
He pulled it out, it was a gun, and he shot the freaking mirror.

Luke then told me to take a shower, I was resistant until he assured that I could lock the door.
When I came out, I say a fresh pair of underwear, jeans, and a tee shirt on the sink. I slipped them on and them climbed into his bed. I was tired and he wasn't here. I fell asleep with questions piling up in my mind, but my biggest was, who am I?

A.N. There maybe some typos sorrry.......... Anyways is it good?

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