Back in the Open

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Days had gone by. They were spent with me suffering on a minuscule amount of food. There was only enough to keep me alive.

It felt like I was going crazy. I know that it was only a couple days, but it felt like months.

I only saw another human when Bill appeared to deliver me food.

Other than this unpleasant interaction, I was stuck with rabid-looking rats.

My stomach ached and I craved a bag of chips. Of course I had to be on my period at this time, but Bill was heartless and spared me no sympathy.

So, I bled and it sucked like shit.

When I had to "do my business" I was forced to a small and exposed corner. Lucky for me, there was a hole leading down, so I wasn't stuck with a horrible stench.

And yes, I had no toilet paper. I hated it here.

Bill also did not remove poor Miley's body from across the way. The carcass slowly rotted and at this point, there was nothing else that could possibly gross me out.


Day 5:

I haven't cried at all. I almost feel too numb to express anything anymore. My feelings have completely dispersed from my body.

Bill cut down my food rations. He now gives me a small piece of bread and water once a day.

My head feels light and everything sounds louder. I feel nauseous and my ears are popped.


Day 7:

I've now started to carve tally marks into the walls. I came down to the depressing past time, using my nails and small rocks on the ground to do so.

I tried to scream today.

My weak body and dry throat could barely release a whimper.

When ever I pull my tongue over my lips, I feel crusty and dry skin.

I'm now accustomed to the feeling of a grumbling stomach.

Day 12:

I hate to say this, but I've considered making it all stop.

I could easily kill myself by bashing my head into the wall or cutting off the air.

I hate that I have these thoughts, but I feel so lonely and I can handle the pain. Emotionally and physically, I am degrading.

Everything hurts, but numbed too. Bill has stopped showing his face to me. I just hear a clatter and, tada, food.

I have stopped paving the cell too. My energy levels have shot into the ground.

Sleep has not been on my side too. I can't even remember when I'm sleeping and awake.

My tallies have ended too. I can't keep track of the days. There is no light, no matter the time, I'm alone in darkness.


Day 20:

I think I see somebody. There's an outline and light.

A noise is heard. Somebody is opening my cell.

I feel two strong arms. Whoa I'm flying! I can no longer feel the cold ground. It was starting to hurt my bum too.

I let a dazy smile fall onto my face and I try to speak. No voice comes out.

Fingers brush hair from my face. The mystery person shushes me.

Light appears and blinds me. It's so bright! It's like the sun is in my face.

It's been a while now of just walking. I'm really bored. This person needs to do something fun! Maybe they will take me to a park!

We stop and now it's silent. It would be funny if I burped to break the silence, but I don't need to right now.

It starts to rain cold water. They are like blades from the sky. I try to squirm away, but this person is strong!

The mystery person reaches for my shirt. I look up. Hey, it's Luke!

I wave at him and smile. Luke looks funny with wet hair.

It's all flat and round.

My shirt and pants are off and Lukey grabs the soap. If he thinks he's touching my body, the bastards wrong!

I try to grab the soap from him. Luke just gives it to me and ruins the game.

I bring it to my face first. The bar of soap gets in my mouth and it tastes bad. It also gets in my eyes! It feels like a booboo on my pupils.

I think Luke takes the soap back and washes me. It tickles so much! I would laugh, but my voice says, "you can't do that missy."

He also washes my hair so it can smell good. I hope it smells like flowers, not the manly stuff.

Out of the shower we go! Lukey gives me a cozy towel and it feels like a fuzzy dog hug. I hope he has a fuzzy towel if his own, I should get him one if he doesn't.

I am now dry and Lukey Pookie gives me some real food. I stuff it into my face and it tastes really good. I think that it was pizza, but I couldn't tell the difference between and fish and pencil right now.

Lukey pulls back his bed covers when I'm done eating and let's me go in. His bed is soft like my towel.

My eyes are heavy and I feel tired. I will sleep well tonight. I try to give Lukey a goodnight kiss, but he dodges it and gives me one on the forehead instead.

Stupid Lukey, ruining everything all the time.

"Goodnight Kailey," he whispers and pulls me to his chest. I give into sleep and in no time, loosing my consciousness.


I awake to the worst headache known to mankind. To top that, my throat hurts and my limbs feel logy.

I can't remember any events of last night. The last few days, months, are just a blur of pain and metal bars.

I'm out though. I was giving up on any form of rescue.

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