Night of Horror Part 1

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A.N. This chapter has two or three parts, SURPRISE! No? Okay.
Please vote and comment because I don't know if anyone is even reading this which makes me feel awkward because then I'm writing my author's notes to nobody. It also only takes you 2 seconds and it means a lot!

Sorry this is a day late, but I have an excuse, that's really bad, so I won't tell you.


Night of Horror Part 1

I sat alone on the ground, my body propped up by an uncomfortable chair in Michael's room.

I had been prepared by Michael for my blood drawing, but he first had to "run some errands." This was the first time that we had really interacted, despite the wretched conversations at dinner. He wasn't so bad, instead he always had this determined look in his eyes.

I hated this, but in my mind, I was praying that my so called hero, Luke would swoop out of the sky to rescue me.

My subconscious laughed at me continuing my dream with,
'Yeah and after that you'll fly together into the sunset and he'll bring you to your family and sing you songs and you'll grow old.'

The thing is that he's the criminal that I should be rescued from.


When Michael returned, he led me to a familiar room, it was the first one I was in. And like before, I laid on the mattress.

Moments passed as Michael hooked up the machine to me, specifically my arm. No words were exchanged, but I had no issue with the tension-filled silence. It was better than stuttering out nonsense words due to nerves.

I rested my eyes shut, yet they snapped open when a sharp needle jammed into my arm with extreme force.

"I'll see you in 15 minutes to check in," said Michael with a smirk as he shut the door behind him. I let out small cries as his footsteps faded.

Great pain spread from my arm, consuming my whole body. My toes squirmed and teeth clenched. He had to come back or I would surely die soon due to the speed if the machine.

My brain was in panic as I desperately attempted to rip to chord from my arm. It was unsuccessful because I couldn't even lift my right arm, it was pinned down.

I felt the world slipping from my grasp and did the stupidest thing ever, I reached for my neck and pressed the button.


"Kailey. Kailey. Kailey."

A cold hand was feeling my cheek.

As a reflex, my body jolted up, which just brought much pain.

I pulled my lip between my teeth, anxiously chewing.

When I tried to get up, my body failed to respond and I collapsed.

Thankfully, I strong body caught me effortlessly. That was when I glanced up and finally acknowledged .........Ashton's presence.

There was the man who spoke few words.

My eyes bore into to his in confusion to the extent that he cleared his throat.

"You were dying." Was all that he said.

"Michael got into the shower, he wanted you to die."

I couldn't help myself as hot tears built up in my eyes. I blinked rapidly, trying to loose them, but found no success.

"Why," was all I could say before I curled into a ball like a child, balling my eyes out. I was scared and I wanted to leave this hell hole.

Surprisingly, Ashton pulled me to his chest, stroking my hair and whispering soothing words into my ears.

This continued for a while before Ashton pulled me back, looking into my eyes.

"Do you remember me," he asked softly.

I didn't. I couldn't remember a single face.

"We were in love."

Before my mind could even respond to his confession, Bill's voice belled through the hallway.

"Ash," he yelled with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"The girl isn't with Luke have you seen her?"

I looked at Ash, panicked.

He shoved me into the bathroom with him and turned on the shower.

We both went inside just as we heard the front door open.

"Hey Ash!" I heard Bill say.

"Yeah," Ash replied.

"I know you have the girl. I'm not some old guy that's head turned to dog shit. Sorry man, I'm going in, I've practically seen everything, so your downstairs won't be anything new."

"Shit," I heard Ash say.
Before I could even react off went his shirt. Then his pants. I am a girl so I did enjoy the view of his nicely toned stomach and his lean arm muscles.

Ash shimmied his wet boxers down his legs and stepped out of the shower.

"Hey Bill," he said in a cheeky voice.

"Ash," Bill warned.

"I saw the girl Bill."

My heart race increased drastically.

"She was stumbling out of the room, but I knew that she was in no shape to bolt, so I let her run."

"I'm going to kill her," Bill's voice spoke perilously.

I could see my features turning white. I almost choked, but knew I had to stay dead quiet.

"I'm gonna go back in, I already have to pay a lot for the water bill," Ash struggled to say.

I heard the sound of Bill's boots and for the first time in a while, I breathed.

Bill's POV:

I knew the boy was lying his little ass off.

Ash for one never speaks a peep from his pie-hole and I could practically hear Kailey's heartbeat from the shower.

I could not kill her, I knew that, but she doesn't have to know.

I need to make her feel undeniably frightened and a comment like that would surely do that.

Kailey's POV:

On my departure from the shower, I somehow managed to slip on the wet floor, pulling Ash's toilet paper rolls down with me.

It was quite embarrassing sitting on the ground with soaking wet paper, but my worries vanished when Ash laughed, helping me stand.

I wanted to question Ash on our "love" and my marriage and yet I couldn't bring myself to it.

Ash's innocent face brought an ache to my stomach when his dimples were replaced with a frown. He seemed upset when I couldn't recall him.

Instead of questioning him of this I asked him for a different story instead,
"I have no intention to pry, but how did you join "Bill's gang?"

Almost immediately Ash answered honestly,

"It was recent, after I met you. We were childhood friends, you and I. Anyways, my relatives were all gone and I was thrown to the street. I then got pulled into the wrong crowd and in a certain alleyway, we would drink and smoke drugs. That was when Bill picked me up one day. He was robbing a small store that I happened to be in and for some unknown reason, took me in."

I could tell that Ash was leaving out a few details due to the holes in the story, but I instead pondered on the fact that we were childhood friends.

"Who are my parents," I asked absentmindedly.

"I can't tell you," Ash spoke in a soft voice and for some reason, I could tell that he really was not able to.

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