~♡ Picking sides♡~

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This song is so good but anyways,

hate comments will be deleted and i am taking writing requests.


[3rd person]

The room was pitch black. He walked in and sat on the bed, "What do i do?' he thought. Words screamed in his ears, he couldn't stop them.

He wouldn't stop them,Then he heard something. A knock at the door. Who could it be?

[Purpled POV]

I left and went to where i needed to be. I've done this time and time again it's nothing new. But this time i need to hurry. Why do i need to hurry?

Well normally, i have all the time in the world. But, this is serious. The villains and heroes are fighting. Normally this would go as usual, the villains winning.

Which i have no problem with. The reason being, We like the villains. Getting back on topic, the heroes are winning. Some of the heroes are Rewind, Pyro, 404, and Trident.

Me along with Nuke, and Claw are known as the low-layed villains. But of course, i don't use my real name, i use mercenary as a fake name

. That's what they know us as. Mercenary, Nuke, and Claw. The villains names are Zephyrus,Siren,The blade or just Blade,and lastly Theseus.

The villains cause mischief and chaos around the town of L'manburg.


I made it to the rooftop. There was Claw and Nuke waiting for me.We discussed our plan, and decided since 404 wasn't here Nuke would lead Pyro away, Claw would lead Rewind away,while I led Trident away.

This would be hard because, we would have to wear them out. If they aren't, we would have to fight them. Not to our surprise, they weren't worn out.

So we had to fight and to be honest, I was sick of it. It took us forever, when i mean forever, i mean forever.

After that happened we helped out the villains by healing their injuries. When suddenly i got a text from my boss Mask.


-Homeless Teletubbie-

-Yo hurry up i need your help.

for what?-

-The system shut down.

sucks to be you!-

-Get over here now or you're fired

Fine i'll be there in a sec.-

-Bring Nuke and Claw with you.

alright homeless teletubbie-


sure you do-


Who's this guy texting? And what's this guy's name? I'm sure these questions will be answered soon enough. Maybe not the last one though.

Though Zephyrus looks confused, Theseus is hard focused on the 3 people helping us and Siren's passed out.

Well moving on-WAIT WHAT?! SIREN'S PASSED OUT?! I didn't even think about it. Oh well I guess i'll ask one of the 3 people. "Hey how did siren pass out?"

The one in the middle responded, "Oh he fell asleep though he was just awake a second ago...." Guess that answered my question.

"Thank you" I said. He told us their boss wants them back so they have to go. Odd but reasonable. But, why would they need to leave so soon? Anyways, We headed home. The clothes were uncomfortable.


We got home, changed and ate dinner. During dinner we made small talk, "Have you guys ever heard of those 3 guys that helped us?"

I said, "No but they do sound familiar..." said Theseus.  "Well we better head to bed and have a long day ahead of us..." I said, "yes we do." Zephyrus replied. So we headed to bed.                                                                                              

Sorry  it's so short i wrote this super quick... 598 words.

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