~♡ Finally Home♡~

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NEW CHAPTER BABY!! Anyways this chapter is going to be a lot better than my others. But, there are a lot of TW's : swearing, second hand embarrassment, smoking, mentions sex.

[Tommy POV]

I got home and sat down on the couch running my finger through my hair. I had walked with Purpled back to his house and then left.

I sighed pulling my phone out of my pocket. I rummaged through my texts and realized my brother texted me.



-Hey toms.


-Where have you been?

A friend's house why?-

-Oh just wondering.

Mkay well i'm home now-

-Really?! that's good I'm on my way!

I'll see you later-



I Heard a knock at the door and sat up. I opened the door and there was Wil! We sat down and he looked confused. " Hey Tom?" he asked me "Yeah?"

"Why aren't you wearing a sweater it's like 15 degrees out?!" He asked me again."Well it's a long story..." I told him. To be honest it really was.

"What happened?" he asked. "Well It all started when me and my friends got out of school. One of them suggested we all should go to their house."

"And once we got there one of them headed outside and i followed. He was panicking."

"Damn." he said. "Then i stood up and asked him a question.Then I noticed he was bleeding."

"So like any good friend would do i offered my sweater so he doesn't bleed out, we then went inside and called an ambulance. and for the first time in the twelve years I've known him he cried."

"Once we got to the hospital the bleeding had stopped but he looked foggy. He told me he didn't feel comfortable being alone. I told him I was there for him and always would be.

"Then he closed his eyes and fell down hitting the floor. I panicked and went to his side, a nurse rushed over to me with a doctor."

"What?!" He exclaimed. "They rushed him to the ER and the nurse told me i should come with. So i did."

"After everything had happened we were free to leave the hospital and head home." "Oh my gosh." He stated again going quiet.

"Anyways I noticed something on your jacket." I said, he looked nervous. "Well, I may have been......." he started. "Fucked?" I ended his statement.

"Well yeah... how did you know that?" He said. "You looked like you just got fucked. Oh and who is it? Big Q?" I said with a smirk on my face.

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