~♡Stuck with you♡~

36 1 0

Not much to say except sorry this took a while to get out. I've been busy let's just say that.
TW'S: swearing, gayness, underage smoking.

Will contain: beeduo, Dnb, mentions of boomer simping over punz.


"Why don't you go sit down I'm gonna make some food okay?" Tubbo said. "Alright ." Ranboo sat down on the couch.

Techno and Dream ended up moving upstairs to dreams room last night so they were the only ones down there.

Tubbo brought Ranboo some food and sat down next to him eating his food.

Ranboo pulled down his mask and also started to eat. After a few minutes passed Tubbo took the empty plates to the sink.

Ranboo turned on the news and there was a thunderstorm warning apparently it's supposed to rain around 3 ish.

It was 2:45 as of right now and the sky's looked really bad so there was chance it would rain. "Hey Tubbo?" Ranboo said.

"Yeah?"  Tubbo yelled from the kitchen. "Uhm it's supposed to rain around 3 ish.. so I might be stuck here."

Tubbo came out of the kitchen and his eyes gazed over to the tv and he heard it too. "Hmm it won't be that bad having you here."

Tubbo smiled and looked over to Ranboo. When he looked over he noticed he had a flustered expression on his face.

"What? Oh, never mind I know now." He said also very flustered looking away in embarrassment.

Ranboo stood up and ran into the bathroom. 'Oh my gosh. Did he really say that?!' He thought while sitting on the bathroom floor.

Ranboo calmed himself down and looked in the mirror. He was still very red and flustered, he tried to make it less obvious and it kinda worked!

He flushed the toilet to make it seem like he had just needed to use the bathroom. He washed his hands and dried them off.

He heard a thud come from outside the room. He opened the door slightly and saw him.

This person was Schlatt. He opened the door fully and walked out, he saw Tubbo on the floor with a black eye.

Schlatt turned around looking at Ranboo who towered over him. Ranboo had looked down at schlatt staring directly in his eyes with a Piercing look.

Schlatt had never feared anyone until this moment when he looked up and held eye contact with him.

You see Ranboo is what we call an enderman descendant. Mainly because of the whole eye contact thing.

Anyone who makes eye contact with him is immediately struck with their real feelings about them or an emotion threat directly fits the situation.

But he also had the ability to teleport anywhere he's looking. But getting back on topic Schlatt turned to the door and left probably in fear.

Ranboo looked over to Tubbo and helped him up to the couch. He grabbed the first aid kit and fixed up Tubbo's eye.

Dream came downstairs alongside techno and was shocked when he saw the condition Tubbo was in.

But he immediately knew who did this. "Where is he." It wasn't even a question it was a demand.
"He left."

Dream sat down while techno tried to calm him down. Tubbo hugged Ranboo trembling in fear from what had happened just a moment ago.

Ranboo's eyes quickly moved over to look at the door cause he thought he heard something. A knock.

Apparently techno heard it too and stood up to check who it was. He looked out the peephole and saw it was Punz and opened the door.

Punz walked through the door while techno shut it. He noticed Tubbo, and rushed over to see if he was alright just like Dream did.

"Yeah I'm alright it was just stupid father." He said. "Alright." Punz replies as he went and sat down.

The air was heavy, filled with anger. Dream turned on the television and went to the news channel.

"Local reports say that the thunderstorm can cause flooding in the area." The reporter stated. "So I guess both Ranboo and techno are staying here tonight?"

"Yeah..." Tubbo said. "Alright then that's fine though if Schlatt comes home I'm not letting him in the house."

"Fine by me." Dream said. At this time Ranboo was furious. So he stood up and went into the kitchen.

He went out the back door and sat down on the porch. He pulled down his mask and lit a cigarette.

Tubbo came out and sat next to him. He told Ranboo to hand him a cigarette and he did. "I hate this, why are we even out here it's raining."

"Tubbo can I ask you a question?"  "Uh yeah?" Ranboo sighed. It was hard for him to ask him out so he was just gonna ask him to come with him to a place he found.

"Well I found this nice place and I think you'll like it. But, it's a surprise if we do decide to go. So will you go to this place with me?"

Tubbo sat there and thought. 'Hmm this would be a good opportunity to talk to him maybe I can make a move just like I did today.'

"Yeah I'll go with you. It'll be fun and I get to talk to you so I'll be happy." Tubbo said. Ranboo smiled.

Ranboo and Tubbo looked over to the door and saw Dream. "I hate the fact that both of you smoke underage." He said.

"You can't be talking you did the same thing when you were our age." Dream just stood there. "Well yeah you're right."

"Well you guys might wanna come inside because it's gonna get worse around here." After he said that they both put out the cigarettes and went inside.

When they went in Punz was on the phone and techno was just sat down on the couch. Ranboo also went and sat down next to him.

"Hey Tubbo can I talk to you for a moment?"  "Uhm sure.." he said. Dream sat down and so did Tubbo. "So Tubbo I wanted to ask you about Ranboo." Tubbo just sat there thinking. "Well what is it?"

"Do you like him? And be honest." Tubbo said that he did but told him not to say anything to him about it. "Alright I won't"

They both went out into the living room and sat down on the couch like usual. The news was still on and everyone was paying attention.

On the news was a broadcast warning for an armed man in their area. The suspicious man was wearing a black hoodie, pants, shoes, ect. But the man was also had red hair. Very odd.

The man was rumored to have been seen threatening people in the streets. Mugging, robbing, or whatever you want to call it but all that was known was of the previous description and that he was using a gun, more specifically a nine millimeter.

Finally I'm done with this chapter! I'm very sorry it took so long to get out. But, it's a very interesting chapter if I do say so myself. Anyways thank you for 400+ reads and 22 votes! I never thought this story would get this far so thank you!

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