~♡The third confession♡~

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Love this song omg. And I'm sorry that the previous chapter took so long to get out I hope that this one gets out in atleast a few days! I procrastinate a lot and I might forget about this but lets hope I don't!

Anyways If you don't know already my name Is Karma. If you want more info about me go check my bio! It has everything I'm willing to share! If you have questions feel free to ask.

TW'S: Kissing, maybe swearing? Romantic DNB. Somewhat romantic Beeduo. Also mentions some karlnap let's just say ignore it when I said karlnap cheated on q with George idk i didn't know what to do with that chapter. I think I was on something making that.



I sat in the school for who knows how long. It could've been hours! Tommy... I hope he's alright. I'm very worrid about him.

(After school/summer activities in the school)

ugh he said he'd be fine.... So there's no need to worry right? And if something happens he always finds a way out of it! I'm sure.. but I just have a gut feeling.

Whatever It'll be okay. I'm sure. We sat for a little while longer and finally the announcement was over. Everyone got up and left the school they said It was too dangerous to be here.

I immediatley grabbed everything from my locker and ran out the door. Tubbo and Ranboo were already out there. "Hey..." I said in an exhausted tone.

"Oh! Hey Purpled!" We started walking to each of our houses. Tubbos first, Then ranboos, and then mine. But i went inside the library. I sat on the couch.

My phone started to ring. "Ugh." I picked it up. 'Hey!' A voice from the other echoed through. 'Oh! Hey Dream! How have you been?' I asked him.

'Pretty well!' Dream was nice. He helped me a lot. 'Oh and have you asked him out yet?' I asked. 'Oh... Well no. But I don't know how!' 'Just ask him.'

'Fine! I will. Bye Purpled.' 'Bye.' He hung up. I'm glad he's gonna try to ask him out. He said he would a week ago but he never did. What a shame.

[Third POV]

Dream hung up the phone. He doesn't know how he's gonna ask him out! But he got up and went outside. He needed fresh air. He went out and he saw him pass by.

"Oh hey Techno." He said to the pink haired male infront of him. "Oh! Hey Dream how have you been?" He asked.

"Pretty good just a little tired." Dream told Techno. "Oh well you should get some rest. We have a test tommorow." (Keep in mind the age gap between the twins and tommy isn't big)

"Oh yeah I might study then get some sleep. But, I have a lot to do ya know? With all of my family being ya know? and only having Tubbo, Punz, and purpled. The rest of my family is well gone."

"Oh well yeah Maybe get some rest soon. Also can I tell you something Dream?" The pink haired male  asked dream. "Oh uh yeah!"

"Uh- I um- uh, I uhm like you Dream. More than friend wise." Techno said. He was very flustered. "Uh- I like you too Techno." Dream confessed. "Wait-"

Before Techno could say anything Dream cupped his face and kissed him.(We love cupping faces😩) Techno was shocked at first but melted in to it. They stood like that for a while.

Dream broke the kiss first. "I should've warned you." He said. "it's alright." Dream invited Techno to stay and Techno gladly took up the offer. "Uhm what am I gonna tell phil... Tommy's already dating  you're brother Purpled."

"Oh? Is he now?" Dream asked. "Well yeah.... what is Wil gonna start dating someone now? Actually you know what I wouldn't doubt it." The pink haired male mentioned.

"Yeah actually I think he's dating Big Q. I'm not sure I think sally would be mad if she found out."

Dream wasn't wrong though. Sally would be mad if she found out Wilbur and big Q were dating.

"Yeah. But uhm my father won't be home til around 1 in the morning so I don't have to go home just yet I could go home at like 10."

"Oh! You can stay a little longer then!" Dream said excitedly. "Yeah I can." So he did. They went inside and talked for a little while. They were talkng about the update when Tubbo walked in. "Oh! Hey tubbo!" Dream exclaimed.

"Oh why is Techno here?" He asked. "Oh I just thought I would stop by." He smiled. "Okay!" Tubbo went into the kitchen grabbed his phone. "I just left my phone here."

Tubbo left and Dream and Techno continued their converstaion. Dreams phone went off. He picked It up and answered it. 'Hey sapnap.' 'Hey dream!'

'Did you ask Karl out yet?' Drem asked the raven haired male. 'Uhm no...' He replied. 'Well you should! I'm sure he'd say yes.'

'I-Fine. But if he rejects me it's your fault.' Sapnap said. 'Alright. Bye.' 'Bye.' Dream hung up the phone and sighed. (I made this before all the drama with sapnap being homophobic came out don't come at me)

"I'm sure Karl won't reject him right?" Dream asked Techno. "Yes I'm sure he won't." Dream layed his head on Technos shoulder. Techno then wrapped his arm around his shoulder. He kissed his forehead.

The pink haired male pulled Dream closer and held him. He held him for a while before he had fallen asleep while he was listening to some music. Little did he know. Tubbo would walk in the very next second.

"Oh!" Tubbo gasped. Ranboo walked in after. "Uhm..... I wasn't expecting that..." They went upstairs still in shock and laughing.

[Third person POV but with tubbo]

Tubbo and Ranboo were in Tubbo's room. They both sat on the bed and took there shoes and jackets off. Tubbo went and sat up from the bed and he clung onto Ranboo hugging him. "Oh- Warn me next time Tubbo. Please,"

"I'm sorry bossman." He said. "It's alright." Ranboo picked Tubbo up bridal style and laid him down on the bed. He then went and layed next to him. Hugging him.


Tubbo had woken up and it was around 5:30 am. He was being hugged by ranboo who was right nex to him. He pryed open from his arms and went downstairs.

Techno and Dream were still asleep. Tubbo then went and got a drink. Ranboo came downstairs and held Tubbo from behind. "Hey Ran." Tubbo said.

"Is everything alright?" He asked. "Yeah I'm just tired." Muffles came from ranboos mask.(Yes he slept in his mask.)

Woo new chapter! Sorry if I kept you waiting I didn't get to edit it yesterday. I hope you enjoyed It! ♡♡♡♡

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