~♡Theres no way!♡~

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TW'S: Swearing, arguing, kissing, platonic and romantic, golden duo(platonic) and beeduo (Somewhat romantic)


[Tommy POV]

I just left Purpled's house and was headed back home Quackity had probably left already. How would I tell my family that I'm dating Purpled. God I'm definitly screwed.

I made it home and went inside. There was everyone, Wil, Phil, and techno. "Oh! Tom you're home!" Ugh I hate hearing my father's voice.

"Yeah I'm home." I sat down on the couch and went on my phone for a bit until I had to change. "Oh whose house were you at? I remember Phil mentioning you were  at someones house for the night." Wilbur asked me.

"Oh I was at one of my friend's house. No not Toby or Ran. Their name's Purpled you might have heard of them from Punz. Punz is his brother." I told Wil. "Oh actually I haven't Punz hasn't told me anything about Purpled."  Oh wow I thought he would've known.

"Okay well Purpled is that friend you talked to and I need to tell you something." I don't know how I'm gonna say this. "Oh and what is it? Did you lie to me when I asked you about-" My 'Father' started to ask me if i lied. "No but, it's something similar."

"What lying?" "No, the other part. So um, I uh- oh god. um- well I'm dating this Purpled guy." I cracked open. I just went for it. "Oh I thought you would've been dating a girl." Wilbur said. "I didn't." Techno said. Techno's always been my favorite brother.

"You thought if he's dating someone it would be a guy? That doesn't make any sense! When he was younger he would say. 'Oh I love women!' Like what?!" Is what Wil said. "Well he didn't give me that energy recently."

"Well I'm still here." I said. "Oh I forgot sorry." I didn't know Techno thought I was gay.(My Hc) "I didn't know you thought that or else I would've came out months ago." I told him. "Well I wanna meet this guy." Wil said angrily.

Um so what do i say? "Well, I don't want you to meet him." I didn't know what else to say. "What?! No. I will meet him." Well shit. "Uh not unless I say you can. He's my boyfriend." That was a dick move. "Oh fuck you."

"Well I actually am very fucking tired. So instead of us striking or whatever you call it, I'm gonna go to bed now." I told them as I got up and went upstairs. "What?! You can't just-" I slammed my door. "Ugh god dammit."

Well I fucked up. But at least I don't have to strike. Ugh I'm gonna hop in the shower because I  don't know what to do with my life. So I grabbed my clothes and grabbed a towel and got in.


I got out of the shower and got dressed. My phone went off. It was Ran. I answered it. 'Hey Ran.' I said. 'Hey! How have you been?' He asked me.

'Pretty good, could be better though. But my day has been fine the most recent parts are pretty shitty but earlier it was good.' 'Well I was about to go to bed but I figured before I did I would check up on you.' He told me.

'Oh okay I was gonna head to bed too but I think I might hop on our server and grind.' 'Okay I'll see you tomorrow at the after school activities.' He hung up. I went over to my desk and turned on my monitor. The screen lit up and I put in my password. 4-8-3-5-2-0-9-1-6-7-3-5-6. (Not an actual password just made up.)

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