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I just published the new chapter but I found this in my notes it's just a random short story. This is what I have so far!

TW'S: Blood, romantic golden duo, kissing, mentions of sex/making out, boomer x Punz (kinda FWB like ship but also somewhat romantic)
Vampire SBI AU
.The vampire siblings start acting very weird around their father. Their father gets suspicious and confronts them. They disregard it and deny what their father said. But he was still very suspicious. With Techno and Dream they were hanging out in the area in the forest where they met when they were younger. It was around midnight when Phil called Techno. When techno answered Phil asked where he was. Of course he told him he was hanging out with a friend. Phil didn't really believe it because techno never hangs out with anyone but niki or his siblings.And niki was with puffy at the time so she wasn't with him. He said he was with Dream at the time and that he knew Dream. Phil said it was alright if he was hanging out with Dream at the time then. Now for Wilbur and big Q. They were at the mall. Phil called Wil and asked where he was. Since Wilbur has a lot of friends it wouldn't be suspicious for him to be hanging out with someone Phil didn't know. He told Phil he was at the mall hanging out with a friend from school. Phil knowing Wilbur has a lot of friends thought it was fine. But now for Tommy and purpled. Somewhat related to my already made and published story they were at Purpled's house hanging out. Phil called and asked why Tommy wasn't home yet. He told him he was hanging out with a friend. Phil being that he heard this a few times already assumed that he would be fine but he talked to him a little more hoping to get some useful information. But he didn't. So he told Tommy he was going to hang up and Tommy said okay. When Tommy hung up Purpled hugged him from behind. Tommy went very red and you could tell because he was very pale. "Uhm purpled?" He said. "Yeah?" "Could you uhm not do that?" He asked politely. Purpled turned Tommy around and held him like that. "That's- a little better-" before he could finish his sentence Purpled cupped his face and kissed him. Tommy was shocked at first but melted into it. They kept kissing every once and a while stopping to take a breath. Finally they broke the kiss and Tommy hugged him. Purpled was shocked but held him tight cause he knew something was definitely wrong but he didn't want to say anything. Tommy started to say something. "Purpled, thank you for everything. I don't know what I would do without you." He sounded very sad. "Don't worry I'll always be here no matter what. Even if we're a hundred miles away." Purpled replied. There was a silence not an uncomfortable one a nice one. Tommy somehow fell asleep in his arms. The amethyst eyed male picked him up bridal style and brought him upstairs into his room and laid him down. He kissed his forehead and went back downstairs. Once he got down there Punz walked through the door with Boomer. They were laughing like they were drunk. "Uhm what's going on here?" Purpled asked. "Oh- uh hey purpled we were just um coming to hang out here... yeah......" purpled obviously didn't buy it. "Mhm" he hummed. The two headed upstairs still laughing. Purpled went out into the kitchen and heard something from upstairs. Oh god were they having-? Sex? Oh my gosh this is what they meant by they came here to hang out. This is gonna be a long night. Wait does Tommy have food? (By food I mean blood) If he doesn't then how is he gonna survive? Oh wait he could just use me for blood- never mind. "Ah~" oh god they are having sex. Purpled went into the kitchen and got some water. Tommy came downstairs still half asleep. Purpled caught him as Tommy fell. Oh my gosh. Tommy had a hungry look in his eyes. Purpled's rolled up his sleeve and Tommy bit him. Crimson blood seeped from his arm and down it. Tommy licked around his arm getting rid of all the blood dripping down his arm. Blood kept dripping and Tommy took in all of it. Tommy licked up all of the blood on his lips. Purpled's wound was already healed there was just a little extra blood on his arm. Tommy licked off the blood on his arm and leaned forward laying on top of him. Purpled hugged him and stared at the stairs. He picked him up and went upstairs punz came out of his room all red. He was covering his face and he looked over to Purpled who was carrying Tommy up the stairs. "Ooo y'all gay!" He said. "You can't be talking you literally just made out with boomer." Punz stopped grinning and stared at him. "Uhm don't tell mom?" "Oh and you guys had sex." He went even more red than he already was. "Don't worry I won't tell mom as long as you don't tell her about us." Punz nodded in agreement and went downstairs as purpled went into his room. He set Tommy down onto the bed and laid down. Sighing as he shut his eyes falling asleep. But as he was falling asleep his phone rang. His eyes shot open and he picked up his phone. "Hello?" Purpled said. "Hey purpled it's me Tubbo? You know? Well I was just calling to ask if Tommy's at your house because he's not at his." When Tubbo said that purpled sat there contemplating his next choice of words. "Yeah he's at my house right now, why?" Tubbo proceeded to explain that his family is worried that he's not home yet. "Well just say he's fine and not to worry that you know he is." "Okay thanks!" Tubbo said as he hung up. Purpled sighed and tried to fall back asleep but just couldn't. He tried and tried but he wasn't tired. So he sat up and grabbed his phone, went over to his desk and opened up Minecraft. He got on bedwars and played a few rounds winning each of them.

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