Ao Guang

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The old king bowed once more raising his palms to Buddha. The scorching sun blazed relentlessly in the heavens above.

Getting back up on his feet stumbling a little, his second son Wang Gan quickly held him by his shoulders pleading, 'Abamama, this is taking a toll on your health. Please stop.'

He looked at his son for a moment muttering, 'I wouldn't have performed the Giuje if the crown prince were here.'

Wang Gan sighed deeply, well aware that it wasn't his place to interfere. Although he was the second son of the king, the position of crown prince and the power that came with it would never be his.

Stumbling with wobbling legs, Gojong went down on his knees, touched his head to the ground and raised his palms thinking, Oh merciful Buddha, the whole nation looks upon me to bring forth rains. Let me not fail them.

The monk continued to strike the Moktak (wooden fish) he held in his hand as he continued to chant the sutras.

The king stood up once more, his brow doused with perspiration. His white garment which adorned a golden dragon on it, reeked of sweat and fatigue.

'Abamama...' pleaded Wang Gan unable to see his father in such a pitiful condition.

Gojong sucked in a deep breath and went down on his knees once more, the sun mercilessly blazed like a furnace, making the old king collapse on the ground.

'ABAMAMA!' Exclaimed the horrified prince, who immediately trying to awake his father. 'GET ME SOME WATER.'

Immediately, a court lady cane rushing with a pot of water, which the prince splashed on his father's face.

The old king feebly opened his eyes and gazed at his son's face. The chief abbot, an old man with wise narrow eyes bowed to the king saying, 'Pyeha, almighty Buddha understands the love you have for your people. But right now, what the people need is the one who flows with the energy of the dragon. Someone who can move the heavens and bring rain.'

The old king sighed in dismay replying, 'But the crown prince isn't...'

'Then, you must chose someone to do this ritual in place of you and the crown prince.' Explained the abbot in a tender voice.

Gojong nodded, he needed someone strong enough to carry out the rain ritual. Sitting in the palanquin, the little party consisting of soldiers, eunuchs and court ladies made their way out of Jinjongsa Temple (Jeondeungsa Temple).

The king gazed at the lovely hills covered with lush trees. Samnag Fortress, fortified the hills, the temples and the forest from the constant threat of foreign invaders.

Returning back to Goryeogung palace, the king looked at the ministers gathered asking, 'So, who do you'll think should be selected for the Guije?'

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Returning back to Goryeogung palace, the king looked at the ministers gathered asking, 'So, who do you'll think should be selected for the Guije?'

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