Starters-Read This!

496 14 5

Awareness for new readers: 

There's memes and references in this book that you won't understand... or maybe you will. But have fun reading this FanFiction.

Before you go on:

Starts at Season 1, Episode 8.

Nickname/ described as Drunken Fool.



*unable to age after 20 (decades)
*a somewhat strong external healing factor (any heavy injuries will result scars)
*weak internal healing factor (Normal as a human)
*Must have strong mentality to use the dice powers held.

By Chance Powers granted you these: One D6 

1 - Can summon metal wires out your back: (medium amount of energy needed)

2 - Can fly for a short period of time or at least defy gravity - if there is enough energy it could last longer.

3 - Can phase through stuff (certain materials) and a person: (stable mentality needed)

4 - Disguise - your features switches between young to old, old to young: you're unaware that your appearance changes.

5 - Distortion - this could be the main cause of mental interference - you would use it rarely to scare people, though it's pretty useless, but I find it cool to add in the story. :) 

6 - Summoning People (depending on who the user is, it's adjusted based on people who the person met) - can summon your own band or other supportive musician(s) (These individuals have their own perk.)

For more context: In several chapter season 1 and nearing the end of season 2. There's going to be videos, that you'll find obnoxious while reading along with screenshots. If you don't mind them at all, awesome. Though it will gradually decrease. So only one picture or a video will just be provided at the top, depending on the chapter.

Going for a none serious - serious transition in this fanfiction. 

Chapter Range For Seasons: 

Range: 1000 to 5000 words for 1-5 and 6-15

Season ONE: 1 - 5 

Season TWO: 6 - 15 (Total: 15 chapters)

Season THREE: Nothing

This book will end at Season 3. Season 4 and future seasons will be split off into a sequel.

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