6 - Bed Bugs

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In a mortal's case, that person would have died in that spider mech. Though for you, you're a different case.

You received a high fever that only lasted a few days after that whole fiasco occurred within the spider mech. The fever took a hike after you sweat it out, unknowingly how you received it didn't matter to you. Luckily, Pigsy allowed you to stay home for a few more days until you had fully recovered, so you slept in through those days.


Within your room, in the demon brothers' apartment, you struggled to remove yourself off your bed, knees sore and cracking with every flex. You're soaking with sweat, and your temperature has returned to normal. You needed to exercise more, but the condition of your body had been sending warnings not to.

Letting out groans, you had no choice but to force roll off the mattress and hit the floor. Laying there for a few seconds, the morning wouldn't be this peaceful-noiseless, besides the buzzing of a fly. Taking a quick shower to rid the griminess.


Out in the living room, you sat in front of the two demon brothers, "Hey! Wake up, dorks!" You yelled at the gold and silver demons that leaned on each other. The demon brothers are knocked out cold with their phones lying in their clammy clam hands. 

A voice repeating the words, "Sleep Bug! Download it now from the app store!"

"I could use some more sleep myself." You muttered. You remembered Sandy offering to help you, but you unwillingly denied his request. You wished you'd taken the offer since it has been several days since you've been unable to get out of bed. Missing several calls, text messages, and voicemails from the crew.

Checking your phone, it seems that it lost connection to the only Wi-Fi source in Megapolis. Your phone was outdated, so there is no complaining about it.


Mk was having a self-crisis monologue at the noodle shop. Mei, Tang, and Pigsy are sleeping on the restaurant's floor. "Cool, cool, cool, okay, everyone is asleep... Monkey King is gone. It's just me and my thoughts. All alone." He fell over, tucked into his knees. "This is fine."


In a stark void...

The demon brothers awoke from the non-existent floor, they gaze around the empty void. Chairs and a table popped a few inches away, the two glance at each then hearing a puff noise. The two stand, walking over to the table. Finding a fine print paper, they read over it and read it twice. 

The two smirk at each other, shaking the other's shoulder. Taking a seat by the table, a visual pops in front of them. Yin clears his throat, speaking, "Hello, there readers. You must be confused. Why these two dor—... handsome demons are in this 'White void'. They'll be doing a little fun activity, playing the role as a narrator. You two are to go back and forth. Starting now..."

Jin staring at the moving visual, "Here we have a—" A piece of paper flutters in front of the orange demon. He holds the paper, reading over it. The view zooms into the visual as he restarts, "Here, we have a purple spider known as Syntax standing within the Cloud that holds collections of knowledge. The high shelfs making it appear as a labyrinth. This spider uses goggles that replicates a VR headset and the green circles on it features spider eyes. This purple spider has been called several nicknames so far... green haired spider, green haired mustachio, brains of the spider pack, and upcoming nicknames that will be coming up."

Yin: "As we zoom a little closer, this nerdy spider is searching through the shelfs, easily using that tacky headset..."

Jin: "It says techy, not tacky."

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