Chapter 65

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"I'll go drop the girls off and then I'll be back to pick you up" leaning over kissing Maddie as she leans over to unbuckle herself "Okay, I should have time to feed Atlas, he'll probably be up soon" looking into the backseat looking at the mirror seeing Atlas asleep, "Where you going mommy?" Ava giving a huge full sentence making both Maddie and Bucky smile as they look to her and her little curious face with her little brows pinched. 

"Mommy is going to water aunt Jasmine plants and get her mail for her"


"Because Jasmine, Jada, and Isiah are out of town and they don't want their plants to turn brown like how mommy doesn't want hers too." watching her kick her feet on the seat "Gross plants" chuckling as she looks to the back seat where Willow is who is mindless playing with her little rubric cube. 

"That was a really good sentence" whispering to Bucky "I know it was really good, I guess putting her in the same daycare age with Willow is really helping" looking back to Ava seeing her off in her own little land. Bucky thinking back on worried Maddie was on her being a preemie and being behind and she is in some things but other things she excels in. "Okay I'll see you later" kissing his jaw then climbing out of the car to grab Atlas out of the back seat. 

"Bye girls, have a good day I love you"

"Bye mommy" they both say at the same time with Willow blowing kisses from the third row. Closing the door as she heads to the front of the complex walking in. Bucky watching her until he couldn't see her through the glass doors anymore. Putting the car back in drive pulling out and heading to daycare. 

Carefully closing the front door after placing Atlas carrier on the ground in the living room. Looking around for the bassinet seeing that Jasmine and them took the bassinet on their vacation. "Okay then I'll just make a fort" moving the pillows around on the couch and blankets making a make shift bassinet. 

Squatting down unhooking him from the carseat carefully pulling him out seeing his little legs still slightly scrunched "God I'm going to miss these scrunches" giving him a soft kiss before moving into the couch bassinet. 

Grabbing the large pitcher filling it with water to the brim. "God this is making me have to pee" turning the water off moving quicky to the bathroom feeling like she might pee herself. Kicking the door closed pulling her leggings down as she slams down on the toilet letting out a huge sigh "I have post pregnancy bladder" looking up to the ceiling only hearing the sound of her piss in the porcelain. 

Washing her hands as she looks over her complexion in the mirror, glad her post-pregnancy acne is finally leaving. Drying her hands off, turning her around reaching for the door knob seeing there wasn't one "Uh...shit!" putting her hand in the small whole trying to turn the knob on the other side "no no no shit shit shit" forgetting that Jasmine had told her the bathroom door is broken and to not close it. 

"Fuck" turning around digging through the drawers to find something to try and jimmy the door the open. "A toothbrush no, hairbrush no, tampon no, dental floss no, nail file....flimsy, come on she has to have something in here to open this door." pulling everything out of the drawers dumbing them on the counter finding nothing. 

"This isn't good" panic starting to bubble in her as she has no way of getting out. Trying her hands at it again trying to get the door open through the small hole "Come on please" hearing the sound of her phone ringing in the diaper bag out in the living room "Shit-" then hearing the small wail of Atlas waking up from the phone. 

"It's okay baby" whispering hoping he goes back to sleep after the ringing ends. Pressing her ear against the door listening to Atlas small cries dying out "Go back to sleep baby" whispering to try and calm herself and Atlas. Unable to hold her breath as she hears the apartment fall back to silence. 

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