Chapter 71

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Sitting at dinner with Bucky resting his arm on Maddie's chair as he manspreads an insane amount under the table with Maddie dainty hand rest on his thigh with her pretty little ring flashing him. Ticking his jaw as he hold his eye line at her as she and Nat talks about anything. Steve leaning back in his chair as he whispers to the waiter getting a nod before he walks off.

"I think you're going to get pregnant on this vacation" Nat winking as she sips on her margarita "What makes you say that?" tilting her head as she pinches her brows. Nat directing her eyeline over to Bucky making Maddie turn her head seeing that look in his eyes and then the smirk growing on his lips as they now look at each other "Prego Maddie coming to a theater near you" rolling her head to look at Nat again but getting stopped as Bucky moves his hand to the back of her head pulling her to him to kiss her.

Giggling at him as he face flushes as they pull away "Sorry Mads had to bring the Asgardian booze on this trip, as much as it is for us to watch everyone get drunk, its nice for us to get drunk as well." Steve announcing as he pours so more Asgardian booze into his and Bucky's tumbler. "That's fine, I just wasn't expecting Bucky to get all hot and bothered" teasing as she squeeze his thigh, watching him tick his jaw again at the move as he spreads his legs out further.

Grabbing the napkin on his other thigh tossing it up on the table as he gets up excusing himself to the bathroom. Standing up knocking the table making everything clink loudly "Sorry" cringing holding his hands out making the trio laugh "Destroying everything, like always" hearing a snide comment behind him. Turning to face the couple seeing the woman shushing her boyfriend as the boyfriend tries to be big and bad. Maddie leaning back seeing who spoke seeing the woman make eye contact at her seeing herself scared for her boyfriend.

"Wanna go then?" Steve now standing up "Come on lets go" pushing Bucky to the bathroom as he makes him walk away. "I am so sorry" the woman leaning over apologizing "Don't fucking apologize she is the one that married a killer" the boyfriend speaking up "Shut the fuck up Richard!" snapping at her boyfriend.

Maddie and Nat looking at one another at the conversation as Nat looks to the back seeing the boy nowhere in sight "I'm speaking the truth she married a killer who destroys everything"

"He hasn't done that shit in years!" the woman defending Bucky "Do you see any bruises on her or he looking any scared with him?" Nat grabbing her drink again speaking behind the glass "Looks like you got a fan" shaking her head as she looks at the couple "Doesn't matter that she married that asshole"

The woman face turning red from the anger, turning her head to look at Nat and Maddie "Natasha, I know he is a good guy, he had a rough past but he is a good guy"

"He is a good guy, he's a very caring and protective guy. He also is an amazing dad," looking over seeing Maddie looking down at the table with her eyes watering "If any of us on the team thought he wouldn't be a good guy for her we would've stopped any relationship, and you got to also remember Stark trust him enough to have him around his think he would let an ex assassin be around his daughter if he didn't think he was safe." the boyfriend getting pissed as he stands up and walks away "Brainwashed" mumbling as he leaves.

"I'm sorry about him" standing as she goes after him "You okay?" Nat asking as she sees Maddie wiping her tears away "Ya..." clearing her throat "I just love how there are people who know he is a good guy and that his past isn't him anymore. Sometimes it feels like no one understands that, that isn't him and wasn't really ever him but those you speak up and say that his past isn't him makes me feel good that he is rewriting the way people see him but not because he wants people to see him differently but he is doing it for us and the kids" wiping her tears again.

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