Chapter 98

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Here is Atlas, I have added some photos into the Pinterest board for Doll Pumpkin Peanut ...

Maddie standing on the fence line looking at the all the kids playing but noticing what Bucky is not going to like. "He's going to be heartbroken." smiling as she sees him approaching with Ava in his arms after picking her up from Kindergarten.

"Hi baby" taking Ava from him giving her a kiss "Hi mommy, I did art today, an-and math, and we learned about worms!" talking Maddies ear off about her day as she smiles at her and watches Bucky.

Seeing him smiling as he looks around then seeing his smile slowly fade "Who is that?" pointing out to the yard then looking to Maddie "I believe that is your pumpkins boyfriend" looking back out at Willow sitting next to a little boy with dark brown hair and giant hazel eyes. Looking at their little hands intertwined with one another.

"S-sh-shes not suppose to have a boyfriend, she's not allowed" Maddie bringing her hand out rubbing his hand "It might just be a little crush" smiling as she looks out to Willow again.

Willows head turning away from the boy as she locks eyes with Bucky. Her face lightening up as she quickly stands up from the small bench running to Bucky then stopping. Turning around waving bye to the boy before running back to Bucky "Daddy!"

Bucky walking over to the little gate opening it up as Willow holds her hands up to be picked up "Hi pumpkin!" lifting her up giving her a big kiss to her cheek "Hi daddy" smiling as she hugs him around his neck. "Hi Willow" Ava waving to Willow "Hi Ava"

Maddie handing Ava over to Bucky so she could go sign Willow out. "So pumpkin..." looking to Willow and her hair all over the place from playing all day "Whos that boy you're talking to over there?" looking back at the boy who was running over to go play on the swings.

"Thats Sebastian"

"Oh really" both of them watching the boy wait in line for the swing "Ya, he's really nice, and his eyes look like mine and mommys" looking back to Willow as she looks to him looking at her big eyes "Yep, you and mommy have the same eyes"

"And you Ava, Atlas, and Alpine have the same eyes too" reaching up almost poking Bucky in the eye "Yep we all have the same eyes too" smiling at her then looking at Ava who was mean mugging anyone who looked their way.

"Is Sebastian your boyfriend?-"

"James" Maddie warning him as she joins them again taking Ava from him "I was just asking a question" shrugging as they walk over to the wall grabbing Willows backpack. "Don't ask her that" as they make their way to the car. Willow eyeing between him and Maddie as she gets put into her carseat.

Pulling up to the daycare to grab Atlas. Bucky parking and heading into the front door. Maddie turning in her seat to look at Willow who was pulling her leg up high to stretch. "So Willow" grabbing her attention "Is Sebastian nice?" Willow nodding her head seeing her little cheeks flush.

"Do you like Sebastian?" Willow looking away as she smiles. "Sebastian is really funny" Willow saying as she looks back to Maddie "Oh really?"

"Ya, and he holds the door open for me like daddy, and he shares his snacks with me like daddy" smiling as she looks at Willows cheeks get tighter from smiling. "Okay lets keep this between us we don't need daddy finding out"


"Because daddy wants to be the only boy in your life" turning around just as Bucky comes out of the daycare center. "Is Willow and Sebastian going to kiss like you and daddy?" Ava asks "No they are not no more talking about it" waving her hand to end the conversation.

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