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"tyler sweetie wake up! it's time to go get yourself situated at ohio state!"

I groaned and sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I hauled myself out of the bed and went over to my suitcase, I picked something out and threw it on. I went into my bathroom and gathered my shampoo, body wash, etc. I packed them all in the suitcase and made my way downstairs.

"here hun, I made you some breakfast." she smiled and kissed my cheek.

I sat and looked at the plate, 2 waffles and some bacon. It looked good, but my stomach churned at the thought of eating it.

"tyler, eat." my mother demanded, I sighed and cut a piece of waffle off and chewed it.

I took three more bites, then a bite of bacon. after that I was full so I kissed my mother goodbye and was almost out the door when she stopped me.

"remember tyler, this is a new start for all of us. I love you and I promise your father and I will come see you." she gave me a sad smile and hugged me as tight as she could. I even felt my own eyes well up with tears.

the ending of high school was hell for me. I had decided to come out to my best friend, Nick. he knew everything there was to know about me so I didn't think it would be a big deal.

so he came over for mario kart and we played for a few hours. after we ate dinner we went outside and sat on my porch.


"hey man, can I tell you something?"
I ask nervously, scuffing my feet against the cement.

"yeah sure, what's up ty?" he says worriedly.

"uh.. I'm gay..and I'm sorry if you don't accept that, that's just the way I am." I finished confidently, but you could hear the tremble in my voice.

he stared at me with a bewildered expression. I started to grow anxious.

"please say something nick.." I reached towards him but he jerked away.

"don't fucking touch me Joseph. I'm sorry but what you just told me was disgusting. I can't hang out with someone who probably mentally undresses me 24/7." he then gets up and leaves, not bothering to say anything to anyone.

I cried and cried that night, I hated myself. why couldn't I be normal like everyone else?

my mom tried to comfort me that night but I wouldn't let her. I locked her out my room and just cried in the dark.


I thought I could trust him, but no he completely turned my life into a living hell. he told people that I was gay and even about my self harm scars.

it hurt me, a lot. to think he was my "bestfriend?" it was a joke, a lie.

he told everyone I kissed him, that I made a move on him. which was a complete lie, all I did was talk to him.

all the bullying, the cruel things they would say. the bullying became worse. words turned into punches & kicks.

my one bestfriend became my biggest bully. I still don't know why he lied to me, what made him change like that.

graduation was hell, when I went up to accept my diploma people shouted slurs at me and told me to get lost. I just acted as though I couldn't hear and went on my way.

but i do know I couldn't trust anyone after that.

or so I thought.


nick sure is a noodle head amirite?

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