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"hey josh! i just wanted to tell you that your new roomate will be here in about an hour. his name is tyler by the way." jim, the dorm monitor said. i nodded and got up to clean my area.

I picked out a blink-182 shirt, skinny jeans, and some vans. after I put that on i went out to the den.

I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat and ate it. after I was done I put the dish in the sink. the cool thing about our dorms was that they were like a tiny apartment. the rooms were even separated for privacy.

today i'd be starting my last year in university. i'm not nervous though, i'm somewhat of a popular guy I guess. i don't even know why I'm popular, actually.

I made my way towards the school, considering its only a 10 minute walk from my dorm, I don't mind.

just as I'm was walking out I run into somebody.

"oh my god i'm sorry" a high but boyish voice said. I looked up to see a boy with buzzed hair and a slight quiff giving me an apologetic, yet scared look.

"hey man you're fine, just pay more attention next time." I said understandingly.

"um.. I dont mean to bother you but do you know where dorm 3b is?" he asks as he looks at me then back at his paper.

"yeah, it's right here actually. looks like I'm your roommate!" he smiled nervously and shuffled into the room.

"here's your room," I opened the door and showed him his bedroom, "and mines right across from you if you need anything." he nodded and thanked me quietly as he started unpacking his things.

for some reason I wanted to get to know him more so I decided to ask him if he wanted to walk with me to the assembly.

"hey, tyler? do you wanna walk with me to the assembly?" he shook his head yes and quickly typed something on his phone then slid it into his pocket.

he smiled and closed the door behind him. we walked out of our dorm and out the building doors and started walking towards the gym building.

we made small talk at least, I learned he lived in columbus, like me. and he liked the same music as me. we walked into the noisy gym and I searched for my group of friends.

I spot my friends and my lovely girlfriend, debby. She sees me and comes racing towards me. she jumps on me and wraps her arms around my neck.

"I missed you josh." she said then placed a kiss on my lips.

"i missed you too, debs." I say giving her a quick peck.

I felt tyler awkwardly shift as me and debby continued hugging. I quickly let go and introduced him.

"hey guys this is my roommate Tyler and he's pretty cool. so welcome him into the group." tyler waved shyly to the group and they muttered "hey."

"oh, tyler this is  debby, brendon, and mark." I said as I pointed to each person.

brendon was the first to hop up and walk over to tyler.

"in order to be in this group you must collect the blood of a Virgin and sacrifice it to our lord and savior, satan." he said in a serious tone, tyler's eyes got wide and I quickly shooed brendon away.

"he's just joking man don't worry." I say as I pat him on the back.

"does the virgin have to have a specific hair color?" tyler jokes back, everyone laughs and we take our seats.

something tells me I should keep tyler close.



I'm sorry if that was short >.<

kinda a filler/intro to josh tho

I know jebby is over but shhhh only for the story guyss.

vote and comment ily ⭐❤

[Btw the drawings aren't mine they're by @21pdothings on twitter :)]

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