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no lie, I was really nervous. i didn't wanna do or say anything that could make anyon uncomfortable. i hadn't done anything yet, but I can never trust myself.

mark, brendon, & debby come at around 6 and we being our "party." it's not really a party considering its just five people, but eh.

the game was starting to get a little competitive might i add. neither josh and i were going down without a fight.

"dude stop." josh said as we finished the race, which i won by the way.

"stop what?" I questioned cluelessly.

"kicking my ass, like I usually do the ass kicking." he said seriously.

I burst out laughing, "dude! this game is the devil." I said between laughs.

he nodded in agreement and stood up. he then started to stretch and I'm not gonna lie. i caught a glimpse of his torso and he's ripped.

tyler stop, he's your friend. you're not supposed to mentally undress your friend. but... josh's body looks like it was sculpted by a greek god.

"tyler?!" josh's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"h-huh?" I say, still trying to get josh's stomach out my head.

"the crew said they're gonna get going just to let you know. also, will you help me clean this place?" I nodded yeah and he held his hand out and helped me up.

i felt my cheeks burn, I felt something when I touched his hand.

i really need to get a hold of myself.


afterwards Josh and i went upstairs and watched a scary movie, 'mama.' the music began to build, meaning something was about to happen. even though i knew it was coming, i'll still get scared.

i jumped and moved closer to josh. god im such a baby, i though to myself. i felt josh chuckle at my movements.

"jesus ty, its not real, no need to be scared." he cooed, i rolled my eyes.

"how would you like it if some crazy lady with long ass arms tried to kill you because she didn't like you." i answered defensively.

he then started laughing like a maniac, "sounds like debby on her period!" he choked out, I had to admit that was funny.

we both started laughing till his mom told us off. hence it being 1 am and two teenagers were laughing their asses off. we quieted down and sat there in silence.

"hey, I'm tired man so i'll see you tomorrow."

"uh, yeah, thanks man." I answered, i was kinda upset that he moved from the bed.

I said goodnight to him and i went to
my room.



tyler actually looked.. adorable? like, how he scrunched up next to me during the movie. what the hell josh, you have a girlfriend. besides, straight guys don't find their guy friends adorable.

but you're probably not a straight guy.

a voice in the back of my head said, I shook the thought out of my head. I took one last glance at Tyler then I noticed something.

my voice got caught in my throat, and my chest hurt from the sight.

"t-tyler? what did you do to yourself?" I choked out, he seemed clueless at first then his eyes went wide.

I saw them start to water, then he ran out my room.



I feel like this was a long chapter, what did you guys think of it?

I wanna thank everyone who's reading this, voting, & commenting. it means a lot honestly, I'm not that good of a writer and I'm trying to improve.

if there's some constructive crtisism go ahead and be my guest.

vote and comment ⭐❤

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