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today was the day if the performance and i was nervous. i feared an anxiety attack would come up, so i tried as many calming techniques as he could.

josh clutched my hand and whispered reassuring things to me. he gave me kissed on the cheek from time to time also.

brendon had just performed an original song he had written called, 'build god, then we'll talk.' it was a really great song and he earned applause from everyone.

debby was next and she sang an original too. josh clapped the loudest for her, but I wasn't upset. he was there when she was writing the song.

"tyler joseph & josh dun?" mrs. meizer asked as she scanned the room for us.

we both got up, me clutching josh's hand. my hand was probably clammy as ever. once we were at the front of the classroom we broke upset and got ourselves set up.

I cleared my throat and leaned towards the mic, "this song is called, 'we don't believe what's on tv.' I hope you enjoy it." I nervously said, I gave josh a look and he nodded.

he did a count off and we started playing the song. once I opened my mouth and the words flowed out, I felt invincible. I felt confident, I was a different person.

we finished and everyone just sat there for a moment, looking at us with wide eyes. then the applause came, I smiled as wide as I could and bowed. josh did the same.

"mr. joseph & mr. dun, you boys have a god given talent! dont let that go to waste!" she exclaimed as she looked at us.

josh and I made our way back to our seats, josh giving me a peck in the lips when she turned her head.

"you did amazing ty." he whispered, I clutched his hand and listened to the rest of the performances.


we got back to our dorm and I could tell josh was thinking about something.

"what are you thinking about josh?" I questioned as I put my uke up.

"us, as in like, this music thing. ty I loved it, I loved playing for people. even if it was just 20 people. I think we could be big if we keep trying, I really do." he explains, his brown eyes sparkling.

"josh, I really liked it too. I felt like a whole new person when we were up there. maybe we can do something, something to help us get know." I pondered for a moment and got an idea.

"I have a bunch of other songs we could record, and then we could put then online!" he nodded in agreement.

"wait so are we a band? if so, what's our name?"

I thought back to the play I studied called 'all my sons.' the name 'twenty one pilots' came to mind.

"twenty one pilots, that's it! that's our name!" I cheered, josh clapped excitedly.

"that's really good, how's you think of that?" josh asked, I explained to him the story behind it and he nodded.


we had recorded a total of 3 songs already and we decided to put them up. I'm sure if we were in a real studio they'd sound better, but I hope people like them anyway.

the songs were titled, guns for hands, car radio, and holding onto you. we uploaded then that night and prayed for a good turnout.


"tyler! tyler oh my god, wake up!!" josh screamed as he shook me.

"what?!" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"babe, we have over a million views on all of the songs!"i shot up and looked at him as though he was crazy.

"are y-you serious?" I stammered, he shoved the lap top in my face. I looked over everything and screamed.

"oh my god!" I grabbed josh's face and kissed him.

"josh, we're gonna make, I know it."


ya yeet

yeet yAh

guys last night my Internet bestie, alli, told me she had a crush on me & I have a crush on her and I'm freaking out bc aHHH

but yeah ily y'all

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