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"josh I don't know if I can do this anymore.."

I froze as the words left her mouth. my mind raced over the things i've done, checking to see what could make her say this.

"w-what? why debby, what did I do?" i asked, unaware of what could upset her so much to do this.

"josh, you don't feel the same way about me anymore. you never wanna cuddle a lot and when we do, you keep your distance. it's almost as of this relationship has become a job." she said as she started tearing up, i mentally cursed myself for doing this.

"and you know, what the saddest thing is? you look at tyler like you used to look at me. your smile gets so big when his name is mentioned or even if you see him." i watched as a tear rolled down her girlfriends cheek.

"debby, what're you saying? that im gay?" I asked unsure of what she's getting to.

"i don't know Josh, but it's obvious I don't make you happy anymore. tyler does, and that's all I care about. you being happy." debby walked towards the me and placed her hand on my cheek.

"just because we aren't together anymore; doesn't mean I don't love you. i'll always love you like I did the first day we met. you'll always be my pink cotton candy." debby placed a kiss to my cheek and took one more glance at me before she left.

i was shocked at the event that just occurred. my girlfriend of 3 years just broke it off with me. i thought i was fine, i simply closed my door and turned my stereo up loud. blasting my music like nobody was there.

i didn't notice a warm liquid running down my face, and before I knew it i was crying.

Debby knew you loved tyler more than her before you even did.

that night i lay unsure of how to tell my bestfriend i was in love with him.



Sad face

but josh has now discovered his feelings for Tyler, so be prepared for teh joshler feels.

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