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Muichirou's POV;

" Tokitou Muichirou, you are a descendant of the Tsugikuni bloodline. The bloodline Kokushibou left behind when he became a human. "

I stared up at Muzan with eyes widened in mingled shock and disgust. Thoughts swirled restlessly in my mind. " No! That can't be true! " I protested. " I'm human, through and through! There's no demon blood in me! Not a drop! "

" It.. is true. " Kokushibou affirmed. I squirmed uncomfortably. I can't let the other Pillars find out about this. Or Oyakata-Sama. I shivered at the thought of what'd happen if the Master of the Corps, or the other Pillars found out about this.

" Tokitou Muichirou. " The icy way Muzan said my name sent shivers down my spine each time I heard it. " I am going to turn you into a demon. "

Any ounce of calm or composure I had left in my body evaporated in that heartbeat. I harshly yanked my arms out of Kokushibou's grip and leaped to my feet, racing away, hoping I could get my katana in time.

I kept glancing behind me. Kokushibou was hard on my trail. I pushed faster, using skills I'd learned from Uzui, Iguro, and Tomioka.

I pushed hard against the ground with my heels, exceeding the speed which even the Breath of Mist allowed me to go. I navigated fluently around the strange place, using the weird gravity to my advantage as I let my body flow similarly to free, running water.

I didn't have time to wonder whether Kokushibou knew of these techniques or not. Soon, I reached the door I'd recognized as his and threw it open.

I dashed inside, to the closet he kept my katana in. He was at the doorway of his room and walked nearer, knowing he had me cornered.

Gritting my teeth, I reached and grabbed my katana, quickly fastening the sheath on my waist before whipping the katana out.

Kokushibou darted towards me, and I launched myself at the floor and dodged. I gotta thank Tomioka later. Once I'm out of this mess.

I dashed out of Kokushibou's room, unsure of what to do now. Soon, I felt hands grab my wrists and tie them behind my back. I writhed as I recognized Kokushibou's rough hands.

I suddenly saw a large, fleshy tentacle reach towards me. There was a knife-like attachment on the end of it. It headed straight for me and stuck into my neck.

Suddenly, I was overwhelmed by pulsing pain. I let out a scream, then fell still to my Knees, in immense pain.

I dropped further and rolled on the ground, gasping as my limbs flailed restlessly. My chest heaved. It felt like my organs were repeatedly convulsing.

Then, suddenly, it was all over. I fell still and laid there, gasping for breath. But then I realized I didn't need to. I felt stronger. Slowly, I sat up, testing my body. Then I stood.

I looked at my hands. They were paler than usual. I looked up at Muzan, who had appeared before me. " What did you do to me?! " I demanded.

Muzan smirked. " You're one of my demons now. "

Fear, shock, and disgust gripped my heart. A lump formed in my throat. " No-- No! No! No, no, no! I refuse to believe it! " I cursed my voice for quivering. Tears pricked my eyes.

" Oh, also, you now have to call me Lord Muzan. "

Muzan held out one hand, then twisted it after doodling something in the air. I fell to my knees as pain stabbed through my eyes and spread to my body. I covered my eyes and screamed.

As the pain subsided, I looked up. Muzan had disappeared, and I looked helplessly up at Kokushibou.

" You're.. Uppermoon Five now.. " He told me. My blood froze. My heart shattered. I brought my hands up to the top of my head and scratched them down to my chin, wincing as I realized my nails were sharper.

Warm blood ran down my arms through my baggy sleeves. I let out a wail of terror, " No! I don't want this! I just- " I broke off with a sob and continued , " I wanna go home..! "

I suddenly felt hands wrap around my wrists and pull them gently away from my face. My face tingled uncomfortably as I healed.

I looked into round, rainbow eyes. A gentle smile. Confusion whirled in my mind.

I realized everyone else had left but this man. I stared at him through tear-hazy eyes. " Who..? " I cursed my voice for shaking.

" I'm Douma. " His voice was as gentle as his smile and the look in his eyes. His eyes... I read them carefully. Upper Two.

" You're Muichirou, yes? " He asked. I nodded. " Nice to meet you. " He let go of my wrists.

" N- Nice to meet you, too, " I answered, beginning to fiddle with my thumbs. Then I heard Kokushibou's voice. My body stiffened as he called for me.

I shook my head and whimpered softly. I suddenly felt warm arms wrap around me. Douma hugged me close to his chest. Then he turned and spoke to the quickly approaching Kokushibou.

" I'll take him back to my room, if you don't mind. He seems tired, and I'm willing to watch over him. " Douma offered.

" No. I have to.. take him. Master's orders. " Kokushibou replied. I heard Douma sigh and murmur, " sorry, little buddy, " to me as he let me go.

Kokushibou grabbed my wrist, but much gentler than he ever had before. Almost like a.. a father holding his child's hand. I looked up at him with widened eyes.

He only glanced down at me with the faintest traces of a smile tugging at his lips. Then he looked forward again, and my body relaxed slightly.

He wasn't this soft just earlier. What changed? Is it because I'm a demon? Does he like me better now because I'm like him?

' That may be the case. '

I jumped as Muzan's voice rang in the back of my head. Kokushibou looked down at me. " Are.. you okay.? "

" M- er.. Lord Muzan just spoke to me through my head.. " I stammered. Kokushibou nodded understandingly. " Yes, he can.. do that. "

I lowered my gaze, my mind swirling with half-formed questions. Soon, we reached Kokushibou's room, and he ordered me to lie down in the small mattress he'd given me as a bed.

soon, I fell asleep.


this is over 1000 words. I hope this is good...

Also I know I got off the track of Kokuzan, but it'll come around, I swear- just wait.

anygays, word count; 1110.

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