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I'm trying to develop the plot and I think it's almost there, just be patient pls

Muichirou's POV;

I stared at the ground, following my finger with my eyes as I traced small circles on the ground of Akaza's room. I sighed heavily, my mind clouding as I thought about my friends.

" Upset? " Akaza asked me. I glanced up sadly and nodded. He scooted closer to me and fiddled with the strings of his pants. I guessed that was a sort of calming thing for him. " I get it. Don't worry. Your friends will be fine. They probably miss you as much as you miss them. " He told me.

I blinked at him. Gratefulness warmed my heart. " Yeah, you're right, " I mumbled, " but that doesn't stop me from missing them. "

" It won't. " Akaza's voice was shockingly gentle. " But it'll get better. I promise. Once you settle in here, you'll find that grief and sense of loss slip away. "

Pain, sharp as a thorn, pierced my heart. I recalled Oyakata-Sama saying these very things to me when I first joined the Corps. It made my stomach churn to hear it from a demon like Akaza, who was usually so aggressive and unhinged.

Similar to Shinazugawa, I thought with a piercing pang of grief.

Then Akaza stood up. " I'll probably get in trouble, but I'll leave you alone with your thoughts for a while. I'll be in the lounge. Don't destroy my room, 'kay? "

I nodded. " Thank you.. "

Akaza blinked at me a moment longer, then turned and left, shutting his door behind him.

I let out a sigh and glanced around the room. Then I noticed something in the corner. a shimmery, translucent figure was standing there. After checking nobody else was near, I called out softly, " Who's there..? "

In reply, the figure stepped out of the shadows and knelt in front of me. I got a closer look at its features.

He looks like that boy.. what was his name..? I thought, narrowing my eyes as I studied him.

" Hello. " The figure spoke to me. I stared at him in awe and murmured a quiet , " hello.. "

He smiled at me. " My name is Yoriichi. Yoriichi Tsugikuni. "

My jaw dropped. " W-- wait! As-- Tsugikuni as- as in..? " My voice trailed away. He nodded.

" I'm a ghost. I died generations ago, but I've been following my brother in this form for centuries. Now, I'm here to help you. " The ghost explained.

" Really?! " I gasped, hope sparking in my heart. Yoriichi nodded. I felt tears prick my eyes. " Thank you..! "

I watched as, suddenly, Yoriichi closed his eyes and his form became solid. He opened his eyes and stretched out his arms to me, and I launched myself at him, hugging him tight. He wrapped his arms around me and started to rock back and forth.

Eventually, we heard a knock on the door. Yoriichi quickly turned back to his ghost form as I let him go. He retreated to his corner and I let a few tears fall down my face so it looked like I'd been crying while thinking.

" Are you okay now? " Akaza asked quietly. I nodded and sniffled. He knelt in front of me and I looked away.

" Is Kokushibou-San back yet..? " I asked. " Yeah. He just got back. He's in his room. Why? " Akaza replied.

" No reason. Thank you. I'll go back to him. See you. " I stood up, walking away from Akaza. He blinked and stared after me but didn't call me back.

Safely out of Akaza's room, I turned to see Yoriichi following me. I stared silently, questioningly at him. As if my stare had asked the question on my mind, Yoriichi spoke.

" Nobody but you can see me, " He told me. " If Aniue, or even Kibutsuji could see me, I would've already died a second time. "

I nodded subtly and turned to focus again, growing dizzy as I traveled alone through the Infinity Castle for the first time. Or, the first time I wasn't in a panic.

Instinctively, I wrapped one hand around my katana handle. Gritting my teeth, I struggled to push away any resentful thoughts that flowed into my mind as I walked.

Arriving at the door I'd come to recognize as Kokushibou's, I knocked. After a few seconds, Uppermoon One slid the door open and let me in. Yoriichi followed, phasing through the door as Kokushibou closed it.

Glancing at a corner of the room, I realized he still had the little wood figures I'd created not long ago. Tears pricked my eyes as they traveled over the familiar shapes of my friends and fellow Pillars.

I went over and knelt beside the figures, picking them each up one by one and studying them carefully before putting them down. As I picked up one specific figure, the one I'd carved of Oyakata-Sama, my hands began to shake. My entire body rattled.


Resisting the urge to wail like a lost child, I bit hard into my hand. Blood flooded my mouth and I gagged, switching to desperately clawing at my arms, my face, and my neck.

Blood soaked my Demon Hunter uniform, and I choked on a sob as the fresh wounds began to tingle strangely. I reopened them over and over, pulling my knees toward my chest and rocking back and forth.

Kokushibou was by my side in an instant, and so was his ghostly brother. Yoriichi wrapped his arms around my torso, and Kokushibou gripped my wrists carefully but firmly to stop me from continuing to reopen my wounds.
Yoriichi's POV;

I gritted my teeth and covered Muichirou's eyes with one hand. It didn't seem to work, though. The boy was staring at the wooden characters he'd made with something like regret in his eyes.

I stepped back helplessly as I watched Aniue struggle to get the writhing former Pillar under control. Muichirou was making quite a racket, and before I could think of what to do the door to Aniue's room was thrown open.

My gaze darted toward the man who stood in the doorway. His bright red eyes glittered with mingled irritation and angry curiosity. Kibutsuji Muzan, I thought, narrowing my eyes at the Demon King.

I followed him carefully with my eyes as he stepped toward Muichirou. Disbelief dropped like an icy stone in my stomach as Kibutsuji reached for Muichirou.

I resisted the urge to turn solid in that moment and kill him, and I'm glad I did. Instead of going to harm his newest demon, Kibutsuji gently pushed Kokushibou aside and embraced Muichirou.

An astonished gasp left my mouth as I watched Kibutsuj's mouth move. Muichirou stared up at the Demon King in confusion, but he soon seemed to relax.

After giving a subtle nod, Kibutsuji put Muichirou down and tapped Kokushibou on the arm. The two disappeared at an ungodly speed, leaving me and Muichirou alone.

I rushed to kneel beside him. Placing one hand on Muichirou's back, I asked quietly, " Are you okay..? "

Muichirou looked at me and nodded slowly. I sighed in relief. But that relief didn't last long.

A sudden crash sounded somewhere outside the room, followed by several unified battle cries.
kekeke, cliffhanger. >:)

srry, Its been a while since I've updated this- the original bit got deleted bcs Wattpad's a bitch, but yk.

Story is coming to a close soon, unfortunately. Sorry.

Word Count; 1250.

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