The monster in the woods.

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Wednesday pov: 

"The sheriff comes in the question Wednesday. They talk in principle Weems office.  A officer comes in telling the sheriff they need to see something and reveals rowan that looks very alive. Makes both everybody and the sheriff does not believe Wednesday. While she walks out of therapy she runs into y/n"

Y/n: Wednesday...

Wednesday: What is it?

Y/n: I.. I heard what happened last night are you okay?

Wednesday: Everybody including Tylor's dad do not believe me. 

Y/n: I believe you. 

"Wednesday stops and turns around and looks at y/n" 

"Y/ns phone dings and he says he has to go"

Y/n pov:

Thornhill: y/n good to see you again..

Y/n: Hello. 

Thornhill: You did a good job protecting Wednesday the other day.

Y/n: I know she is important to you so we need to keep her alive 

Thornhill: You also need to make her fall in love with you. 

Y/n: How can i do that? 

Thornhill: Become closer to her and stay on her good side. Show her that you are different from others make sure to believe her and listen to her carefully. And do not let her die. 

Y/n: What if that does not work?

Thornhill: It will. She may seem cold hearted but everybody has a soft spot. 

Y/n: Okay... 

Thornhill: Just remember... the outcast are not your friend.  They will act like it and pretend to be your friend but at the end they always have one thing in mind. Outcast are the predators and we our the prey. They also all think that they are better than us this is why i need you to help the world we can be the heros! 

"Y/n listens to her words and leaves"

"Later in thornhills class"

"Wednesday sent thing to follow rowan to the train station but lost him she was caught talking to him but for others it seems she was talking to a plant. They all take a sit and Wednesday and Bianca start sort of auguring."

Xavier: Are we still talking about plants? 

"People in the class laugh"

"After class y/n finds wednesday" 

Y/n: Wednesday wait up! 

Wednesday: I'm extremely busy. 

Y/n: Oh with?

Wednesday: Weems gave me a list of social clubs. 

Y/n: I am pretty sure that you will be fond of none. 

Wednesday: Yes i know this is a waste. 

Y/n: Yeah... 

Wednesday: I got to do it. The quicker i visit this social clubs the better i can go back to the woods. 

Y/n: Be careful. 

Wednesday: Don't worry.

"A bit later Wednesday goes into the woods to look for proof that rowans death was a cover up. She was almost caught by the sheriff and a dog but before she knew it her mouth was covered and she was pulled in behind a tree. She thought she was being kidnapped but turns around and sees y/n"   

Y/n: Sorry. I did not want the dog to sense you. 

Wednesday: Thanks how did you throw them off?

"Y/n pulls out coffee grinds: 

Y/n: One of the great perks of working at a cafe. 

"Wednesday starts walking to look around" 

Y/n: So.. you actually saw the monster?

Wednesday: Yes it saved me from rowan.

Y/n: Saved you?

Wednesday: I thought rowan was in danger. But i was wrong he tried to kill me till a monster came and killed him. 

Y/n: So the monster saved you? And did not try to kill you? 

Wednesday: Yes. 

"She finds rowans glasses and as soon as she touches them, she gets a vision."

Y/n: Wednesday? You alright!

Wednesday: Y-yes... Come with me 

"They go to the library"

Y/n: What are we looking for? 

Wednesday: A book. 

Y/n: Uh... well there is probably over 1000 books here. 

Wednesday: I know. But it has to be here somewhere. 

"Thornhill shows up"

Thornhill: I don't normally find students looking for actual books. Most begin to make out

Y/n: Oh miss Thornhill what a Suprise to see you.

Wednesday: Actually since you are here i got a question. 

Thornhill: Go ahead. 

"Wednesday walks up to her showing her a symbol" 

Wednesday: Have you seen this before? 

Thornhill: Yes. Uhm. I think a old social club. uhmmm. The nightshades

Wednesday: Thank you. 

Thornhill: You know you two are one of my favorite students. Happy to see you two get along 

Y/n: Thanks

Thornhill: Y/n is a different student. He is quite full of mysteries.

Y/n: Haha..

Wednesday: You don't say. 

Wednesday x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now