The Addams

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Y/n pov:

I got the text from Thornhill she killed the man and made it look like he did it.

"I see Enid and Wednesday across the quad. I go over to speak to them"

Y/n: Hey Wednesday. Enid! Long time no see "He smiles and waves walking over"

Enid: Y/n!

Wednesday: Hello y/n.

Y/n: Excited to see your parents?

Wednesday: No.

Enid: Hmm kind of!

Y/n: Well i will be at the weathervane. "He smiles and leaves"

Wednesday pov:

Wednesday: Why did he leave? What about his parents?

Enid: Ever since he has been here no parents ever showed up for him.

Wednesday: Is he adopted?

Enid: That would make sense...

Wednesday: Interesting.

Enid: You are really interested in him

Wednesday: What... No.

Enid: What do you think of him?

Wednesday: I think he is kind.

Enid: Anddd?

Wednesday: And?

Enid: Jeez... Alright whatever... Oh look there is my mom.

Wednesday: I spotted my parents.

Enid: Well good luck! See ya roomie. "She goes to see her parents."

Gomez: There is my death trap!

Morticia: Hello wednesday "She says with a smile"

Gomez: So how is your stay at nevermore so far?

Wednesday: Death.

Pugsley: Did you make any friends?

Wednesday: No.

Gomez: Did you have fun?

Wednesday: No.

Morticia: Any boys?

Wednesday: No. But i do enjoy almost being killed by a monster.

Gomez: Good to hear... "They all look at each other"

Y/n pov:

Tyler: Hey y/n

Y/n: Hello tyler what up?

Tyler: My dad told me about what happened...

Y/n: Yeah... Eugene is in the hospital...

Tyler: So sorry to hear that... I know sorry won't do anything but that is seriously sad...

Y/n: Yeah, really hoping that ur dad stops the monster soon.

Tyler: Yeah... Oh hey i heard you went with Wednesday?

Y/n: Yea she actually is a good dancer. "He laughs"

Tyler: Dancer? I would never have guessed.

Y/n: Yeah she was a good dancer i was kind of in shock.

Tyler: I guess your adoptive parents were a no show again?

Y/n: Yeah... I never told anybody but you that i was adopted... It just feels like they don't-

Tyler: Care?

Y/n: Yeah...?

Tyler: I feel the same way with my dad.

Y/n: I think that is why i trust you so much... "He says while cleaning a table"

Tyler: If you do not mind me asking... what happened to your parents?

Y/n: I'm still trying to figure that out.

Tyler: My dad may have some files about them somehow. What is your last name?

Y/n: L/n. (Whatever last name you want)

Tyler: I will look into it when i get home

Y/n: T-Thanks...

"Thornhill enters"

Y/n: L-Thornhill?

Thornhill: Take a sit y/n.

Tyler: Who is she?

Y/n: My really close teacher i see her as a mom figure she probably wants to talk about my grades. I been failing.

Tyler: Oh go ahead then.

"He smiles and goes and sits with Thornhill"

Y/n: What is it?

Thornhill: When her father gets arrested you will need to try and comfort and show empathy but not to much at one time.

Y/n: What if..

Thornhill: No what if you have to... "She touches his hand to reassure him"

Y/n: Yeah sorry i do not want to let you down...

"Time skip"

"Y/n sees Wednesday and walks over to her"

Y/n: Hey Wednesday shouldn't you be with your family?

Wednesday: No. My dad got arrested.

Y/n: Wait what?

Wednesday: For a old case.

Y/n: That doesn't make sense...

Wednesday: I know i think he was setup.

Y/n: Hmmm i think he was setup as well. I'm close with tyler and his dad is the sheriff maybe i can help somehow?

Wednesday: Actually yes. I need my dad's police report.

Y/n: I can get tyler to drive us to his house and grab the files.

Wednesday: Good let's go.

"Back at the weathervane"

Tyler: Back already?

Y/n: Me and Wednesday need your help.

Tyler: With what? "He smiles confused."

Wednesday: My dad was arrested. We need his police file

Y/n: We need you drive us to your house so we can get the file. Please.

Tyler: Uh.. Yeah sure...

Wednesday: Thanks.

"In the car"

Tyler: So why was he arrested?

Y/n: Long story short he was arrested for a old case that happened when he went to nevermore.

Wednesday: Yes and i think it is a setup

Tyler: Makes sense...

Y/n: I hope you don't mind doing this for us

Tyler: No its fine i had nothing else to do anyways.

Y/n: Oh yeah since we are talking about files. How about we try and find files about my parents?

Tyler: Good idea we are almost there.

Wednesday: About your parents?

Y/n: I have not told anybody but Tyler... but I'm adopted i don't know anything about my real parents.

Wednesday: So enid was right. For once.

Y/n: Uh yeah.

Tyler: We are here.

"They get out of the car"

"In the garage"

Y/n: You look for your file about your dad me and Tyler will look for mine.

Tyler: Sounds good.

Wednesday: Ok.

"A couple of minutes later"

Wednesday: Found it.

"She pulls out a file and starts reading it"

"They hear Tyler's dad get home. Wednesday hides under a desk"

Sheriff: Tyler. Y/n what the hell are you guys doing?

Tyler: D-Dad.

Y/n: Sorry sir but i asked Tyler to help me look for files about my parents.

Sheriff: What is your last name?

Y/n: L/n

Sheriff: Oh...

"He pulls out a file and gives it to y/n"

Y/n: T-Thanks

Sheriff: Have fun reading it.

"He goes back up stairs. Wednesday comes up from under the desk"

Wednesday: Found what we came for?

Y/n: Yeah...

Tyler: Need a ride back?

Wednesday: Yes. I need to visit my dad

"Wednesday visits her father in jail he tells her a story of how they fought but she does not 100% believe him so finds her mother and asked her she tells a bit of a different story"

Morticia: It was the night of the rave'N me and your father went out to get some fresh air. Till garet showed up he was full of rage and went to attack your father your father ran for his life but had no choice but to fight back i did not know what to do by time i got there i just grabbed the sword... and he... was bleeding before i knew it i couldn't move i was in shock till your father took the sword and took the blame. Never seen somebody full of so much rage...

Wednesday: Sounds like nightshade poisoning.

"They go and dig his body up but are caught by the cops"

"They are all in a jail cell but all the sudden y/n shows up"

Y/n: Wednesday i knew i would somehow find you in a jail cell one day.

Wednesday: Y/n what are you doing here?

Y/n: Came to help you out.

Wednesday: W-What do you mean?

Y/n: When you were digging the body up what did you find?

Wednesday: Oh yeah... Garet was dying from nightshade poisoning before he was stabbed. "She takes a finger out"

"Y/n looks a little more pale"

Wednesday: You look pale.

Y/n: Just not use to seeing... finger... not attached to a body.

"He takes it and goes to mayor walker"

Mayor walker: What a Suprise to see you.

Y/n: I have something for you. "He puts the finger on the table"

"The mayor trys not to vomit everywhere"

Y/n: This is proof that garet was dying before he was stabbed.

Mayor: Yes I'm aware.

Y/n: Then why did you try to cover it up.

Mayor: I did what had to be done to not only protect the family but Jericho as well

Y/n: In what way?

Mayor: I-

Y/n: I want all charges dropped and all the addams let free. Immediately.

Mayor: F-Fine

"Time skip out side the police station"

Wednesday: Thanks for helping.

Y/n: No problem anything for you.

Morticia: Yes y/n thank you very much

"Gomez comes out of the police station"

Gomez: I need to thank you as well y/n you're a life saver.

"Y/n smiles"

Morticia: Alright Wednesday lets go. We will drop you off at nevermore.

Y/n: Bye wednesday.

Wednesday: Why don't we also drop you off

Gomez: We do owe you

Y/n: Uh... sure...

"Back at nevermore"

"The parents leave"

Wednesday: I owe you from helping us

Y/n: It was no big deal

Wednesday: Well i need to get going now.

Y/n: Goodbye wednesday "He smiles and puts his hand in his pocket"

Wednesday: Bye.

"They both go back to their dorms."

"Y/n sits down at his desk and reads his fathers note book"

Page one I just got to nevermore it seems interesting i can't wait to make some friends my family sent me here because i never fitted in with normal schools. I also moved my things into my dorm i saw a pretty girl she was smiling at me i think that me and her can be friends.

Page two It is my second month here and i think i might have a crush she is pretty and kind i don't know what her species is but I'm sure maybe... we could work out the rave'N is coming up so I'm thinking of asking her.

I guess me and my father have something in common.

Wednesday x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now