The rotten kiss

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(This one may be short because im lazy rn)

"At the mayors funeral"

Thornhill killed the mayor she unplugged his air mask. He sadly died she always says its for the mission but for some reason i feel guilt.

"I look at Wednesday who looks like she is thinking but enjoying this" 

Sometimes i wonder if Wednesday is a better killer then me.  

"I go back to work at the weathervane and see Wednesday with a strange looking man"

Y/n: H-Hi who is this man?

Wednesday: My uncle. Uncle fester 

Fester: Thanks kid "He takes the cup" 

"Y/n puts his hand out for a hand shake"

"He gets shocked" 

Y/n: Wha-

Wednesday: Fester leave him alone. 

Y/n: Nah it is fine I'm always down for a little prank.

"He sees the book of the hyde thornhill did not give him much information on the hyde she only unlocked it"

Y/n: I-Is that the monster?

Wednesday: It is actually called a hyde and it needs a master to unlock it. 

Y/n: Jeez... So two killers?

Wednesday: Y-Yeah "She looks him up and down as he sits with her"

Y/n: Hey-

"The sheriff walks in"

Sheriff Galpin: Y/n what the heck are you doing this girl almost killed you are tyler last night why are you near here. 

Y/n: It is called serving her a drink. 

"Uncle fester is gone when y/n and wednesday look back"

Sheriff Galpin: Whatever. 

Y/n: Hey Wednesday- 

Wednesday: What is it? "She says turning around"

Y/n: W-W-W-Would you want to go on a-a-a-a da-a-date! with me. 

Wednesday: N-Yes. It can be the least i can do for almost killing you "She turns around and leaves before she blushes"

"Y/n smiles" 

"Wednesday leaves and tells thing to protect the book"

"She goes and sees y/n"

Y/n: I was actually kind of worried you were not gonna show up. "He smiles and hands her a black rose"

Wednesday: A black rose. 

Y/n: I assume since you love the color black a black rose would fit better than red. 

Wednesday: Red is the color of blood it does not matter. Now let's get this over with. 

Y/n: Okay but you have to close your eyes. 

Wednesday: Fine. "She closes her eyes and he brings her inside and closes the door"

"Wednesday opens her eyes"

Y/n: Like it?

(Okay instead of saying a scary movie he will actually play a scary movie because i heart scary movies) 

Wednesday: Bold. 

Y/n: Uh okay... Well we are gonna watch a scary movie. 

"They take a sit and the movie starts playing"

"Wednesday actually enjoys herself" 

"Timeskip after the movie" 

Wednesday: I enjoyed it.. thank you. 

Y/n: I figured you would like it "He smiles and walks over to her"

Y/n: Look you may hate me for this but I'm just going to come out and say it. I want us to be more than friends. 

Wednesday: It is a faze you'll snap out of it.

Y/n: You cannot just shut me out that easy. "He smiles"

Wednesday: I almost killed you 

Y/n: And i survived
Wednesday: Beginners luck   

Y/n: I'm tougher than you think.

"They both lean in but all the sudden the doors open and they have flashlights on them" 

Sheriff galpin: What the hec- Nevermind i was never here and never saw you two. "They leave"


Wednesday pov:

"Wednesday enters her dorm and it is destoryed and thing is stabbed she runs to uncle fester" 

Wednesday: Uncle fester uncle fester! It is thing he was stabbed.

"She rushes in and puts him on the table he starts shocking him trying to bring him back he does it a couple times with no luck wednesday tells him to do it again and this time it works"

Wednesday: Who did this to you?

Thing hand sign: (It was from behind did not see)

Wednesday: Of course from behind. Whoever did this to you will suffer. 

"She goes back to her dorm and sees enid unpacking"

Enid: Oh hey

Wednesday: You are back? 

Enid: I leave and thing almost dies. 

Wednesday: He said he missed you. 

Enid: I missed him to "She smiles" 

Enid: Sooo how was your date with y/n?

Wednesday: It was... interrupted

Enid: Well you may be in luck. I may of overheard he has the night shift but you got to hurry. 

"She goes there and enters"

Y/n pov:

Y/n: We closed. 

Wednesday: Than you should lock the doors. 

Y/n: Wednesday... 

Wednesday: Yes it is me not a ghost. 

Y/n: What are you doing here?

Wednesday: I have put some thinking into what happened. "She walks closer." 

Y/n: And?

Wednesday: I think... "She leans in a kisses him on the lips"

"Y/n breaks the kiss looking her in the eyes and kisses her again this time she has a vision."  

"She had a vision of y/n being the hyde"

Y/n: W-Wednesday are you okay! "He says holding her"

Wednesday: I-I-I Have to go. 

"She runs out"


Wednesday x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now