The bloody dance

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Y/n pov:

Thornhill: Get Wednesday to go to the rave'N with you. and i will give you your fathers note book.

Y/n: You found it?

Thornhill: After some research and digging. Yes

Y/n: Thank you.

"She holds his hand"

Thornhill: Anything for you.. y/n

Y/n: I-I-should get going

Thornhill: Of course.

Wednesday pov:

Enid: Wednesday! Oh my God The rave'N is coming up! I cannot wait to see who you go with.

Wednesday: Alone.

Enid: Alone? No way... You know y/n is still open!

Wednesday: ...

"She gets more invested"

Enid: So go ask him!

Wednesday: No.

Enid: Why not?

Wednesday: I-I do not like him.

Enid: Well tell me if you change your mind!

Wednesday: I won't.

"In class"

Xavier: Aren't you pumped about the disco balls?

"Wednesday notices xavier has marks on his neck"

Xavier: Why are you looking at me like that?

Wednesday: I wasn't.

"After class Wednesday follows xavier into what looks like a old building. She waits for him to come out and sneaks herself into the building finding paints and drawing of the monster. She grabs two drawing and sneaks back out and runs into xavier"

Wednesday: Xavier.

Xavier: What are you doing?

Wednesday: I saw you come out this way. What is this place?

Xavier: My private art stuido.

Wednesday: I would love to see inside.

Xavier: Sorry not right now it is kind of a mess maybe enough time. Why were you looking for me?

Wednesday: I wanted to go for miss Thornhill's work assignment.

Xavier: She didn't give us any work is this about a current dance?

"Wednesday gets caught in a lie"

Xavier: I'm all ears.

Wednesday: Are you really going to make me ask?

"Xavier nods"

Wednesday: Fine. Would.. Would... Would... You... Would... Would you... Would you... Would you... Go to.. Would... Would you go to the dance with a current... Would you.. Would... Would you go to the dance with me.

Xavier: Yes wednesday. I would love to go to the dance with you. Thought you would never ask. "He smiles"

Wednesday: Neither did i.

"She walks away and goes to Jericho and runs into y/n at the weathervane"

Y/n: Hey wednesday "He sits down and smiles"

Wednesday: Y/n what are you doing here?

Y/n: Remember? I work here "He laughs"

Wednesday: Oh yeah right.

Y/n: So have you asked anybody to the dance yet?

Wednesday: Actually i was forced.

Y/n: Forced? "He says disappointed"

Wednesday: Yes... I got caught in a lie

Y/n: Who is the lucky person?

Wednesday: Xavier.

No... I failed both Thornhill and my mission. I won't get more information about my father... And Thornhill... She will be disappointed.

Y/n: What... I thought you said you suspected him? You are going to a dance with a suspect?

Wednesday: Why are you getting angry.

Y/n: Because... You said you suspected him?

Wednesday: Well i was forced so i had to unless you want the mission to be shattered.

Y/n: Disappointed. "Y/n says that trying make Wednesday feel guilt"

Wednesday: There is no reason for you to get upset. It also helps me get closer to a suspect.

Y/n: Whatever. Would you want something to drink?

Wednesday: a quad.

Y/n: Mhm... "He walks off angry"

"After that she goes to see sheriff Galpin and he wants concrete proof, and he will work with me to solve this case. She goes to see Eugene he recognizes something from the drawing and shows Wednesday. She finds a claw and goes back to Xavier's art studio and grabs a towel with blood. She turns around and sees xavier behind her"

Wednesday: Hello. Xavier.

Xavier: Wednesday... What are you doing in here?

Wednesday: How do you know what the monster looks like?

Xavier: You were in here... Before... when you asked me to the dance. The only reason you wanted to go with me was because i caught you.

Wednesday: Answer my question. How do you know what the monster looks like?

Xavier: No Wednesday. You are unbelievable. Do you even care about anything? Or anybody! Get out. Now.

"Wednesday leaves and makes plans with Eugene to go to the cave"

Y/n pov:

"Y/n hears somebody ring the bell but sees nobody. He looks closer and sees a note in the jar"

I guess my plan worked after all. "He smiles a little"

"Later that night"

"Wednesday hears a knock at her door thinking it is eugene she goes to open it but sees y/n"

Y/n: I.. got your note. I was so surprised. It was so sweet "He smiles"

Wednesday: Uh.. Oh yeah.. Me too... "She says confused."

"Y/n notices that Wednesday does not look ready"

Y/n: You need a minute?

"She closes the door on his face and yells at thing"

Wednesday: How could you do this to me?

"She stops once she sees the dress on her bed"

Wednesday: Thing Don't look.

"Y/n hears walking down the stairs and turns to see wednesday. All tho it is for the misson he is thrown back from how good she looks"

Y/n: You look... so good.

Wednesday: Yes, now let's go and get this over with

Eugene: Wednesday? Y/n? What is going on?

Wednesday: There has been a change of plans.

Eugene: But i thought we were going to go stake out the cave.

Wednesday: I know we will another night.

Eugene: Fine I'll just go myself.

Wednesday: No stand down. it is too dangerous.

Eugene: Fine... "He walks away but goes to the woods still without wednesday"

Y/n: A cave?

Wednesday: Yes we found a cave. Now let's go.

"They enter the dance and almost all eyes go on them"

Thornhill: Wednesday! What a surprise seeing you here.

Wednesday: Thornhill. This is-

Thornhill: Y/n.

Y/n: Ah yes you always get a coffee with donut?

Thornhill: Yes! Small town hard to keep secrets. "She smiles"

Wednesday: I'm going to go get us some drinks.

Y/n: Wednesday and Eugene found the cave.

Thornhill: What?

Y/n: Yes you need to go destroy it.

Thornhill: Fine if anybody ask me where i am tell them I'm in the restroom.

"He nods"

Wednesday pov:

"As Wednesday turns around to go back to y/n she is stopped by Xavier"

Xavier: Can't believe you brought him.

Wednesday: Why are you bringing this up right now?

Xavier: Because You don't know what he did to me.

"Xavier tells Wednesday"

Y/n pov:

"Y/n finds wednesday"

Y/n: Finally found you.

Wednesday: Xavier told me what you did to him.

Y/n: Guess the past never dies does it.

"He sighs and sits next to her"

Y/n: I was kind of a jerk back then. I wanted to be cool and wanted to fit in. So decided to pull a prank and destroy his mural on outreach day. After that i realized what i did... I felt this feeling of guilt and i needed to make up for it somehow. That is why i became a better person and begged xavier to forgive me. He could of made it a lot worse for me "Y/n sighs" But i promise you.. just because i made a bad decision doesn't make me a bad person. I have changed.

Wednesday: Really thought i would judge you over a lousy prank? I would have taken it further.

Y/n: Haha. Yeah knowing you probably would get me back ten times worse than how xavier got me back.

Wednesday: What did he do?

Y/n: Since he is able to control his art and stuff he drew a ghost and sent it to my dorm i almost jumped out of my skin. "Y/n laughs"

"Wednesday smirks a little"

Y/n: Should we go dance?

"Goo goo muck starts playing"

Wednesday: I know this song.

Y/n: Then lets go "He smiles and follows Wednesday onto the dance floor"

"When the sun goes down and moon comes up"

"Wednesday starts dancing"

"I turn into a teenage goo goo muck. i cruise through the city and i roam the streets. Looking for something that is nice to eat. You better duck when i show up. the goo goo muck"

"Wednesday keeps dancing. impressing everyone and having the spot light"

"Wednesday disappears into the fog. Y/n feels something touch his shoulder and turns around seeing Wednesday. Wednesday looks dead from on the outside but is actually enjoying her time."

Who knew gothic girls knew how to dance... "He is surprised"

"The song finishes and y/n and wednesday stand there looking at each other"

"Y/n feels something drip on his shoulder. It looks like blood..."

"Wednesday looks up and smiles"

This was not a part of the plan? Wednesday is smirking did she do this?

Wednesday: Its only paint. "She says in disappointment"

Y/n: Good to see you are not a part of this. "He awkwardly smiles"

"Wednesday and y/n get ran into and are being pushed around suddenly Wednesday has a vision of Eugene in the woods"

Wednesday: Eugene is in the woods! He is in danger. "She runs without looking at y/n"

"Y/n gets a text from Thornhill that Eugene spotted her when she was destorying the cave.

I need to kill him. He is sort of my friend but anybody who gets in my way from learning about my parents has to die"

"Y/n runs into the woods and transforms and finds Eugene he hears Wednesday from the distance and hurry's up and attacks Eugene"

Wednesday pov:

"Wednesday finds Eugene bleeding bad"

Thonrhill: Oh my God! Is he alive? "She screams faking fear"

Wednesday: He needs medical now!

"Thornhill calls 911 and they take him to the hospital. Later Wednesday is sent back to nevermore but runs into y/n. She sees him going to her dorm"

Y/n pov:

Wednesday: Y/n what are you doing?

Y/n: I came to find you... I was worried you just ran off...

Wednesday: Oh..

Y/n: Wait? How is eugene? Is he okay!

Wednesday: He was attacked.

Y/n: What... No! He was my friend...

Wednesday: I know. This is my fault.

Y/n: No... it is the monster's fault. We need to stop it... It keeps attacking people "He says with fake tears in his eyes"

Wednesday: I know. Have you seen Xavier?

Y/n: Oh yeah... actually, right after you left i was trying to find you lost you and i ran into him, he looked like he was in a rush. Now that we know the monster is human... does that mean?

Wednesday: Maybe... but we don't got enough proof.

Y/n: If you ever need help, I'm here for you.

Wednesday: T-Thanks. Now you should go back to your dorm.

Y/n: Yeah, Ur right. Be careful "He smiles and leaves"

"He enters his dorm and turns the light on and sees Thornhill siting at his desk with a book"

Y/n: Uh.. You scared me.

Thornhill: Sorry. I keep my promise because you did what had to be done here is your reward.

Y/n: Oh.. yeah thank you

Thornhill: Do you feel guilty?

Y/n: Yeah. a little Eugene was actually a good friend of mine... and he was nice. "He sighs"

Thornhill: Don't worry he is not dead. But you did get him good

Y/n: I was in a rush Wednesday was getting closer.

Thornhill: You still got the job done "She smiles"

Y/n: What is our next mission?

Thornhill: On parents' week we need to frame Wednesdays dad. He killed my brother.

Y/n: Killed?

Thornhill: Yes. He stabbed my brother with a sword. And he was let free. "She says with a angry tone"

Y/n: Then he deserves all the suffering.

Thornhill: I knew i could count on you. "She smiles and walks out"

Wednesday x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now