The monster is human?

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"Y/n and Wednesday are unbagged"

Wednesday: You can take the mask off Bianca. 

Y/n: I thought the nightshades were only a thing back then?

Xavier: They disbanded after some normie kid died. 

Y/n: Right...

Bianca: How did you two get down here?

Wednesday: I saw the symbol and it lead here. 

Bianca: Alright... than the question is what.. what do we do with them?

Xavier: I say we invite them to the pledge. She is a legacy. 

Bianca: No way we talk about not making waves? She is a tsunami.

Wednesday: Just because i beat you at your own game? Let me save you the trouble I'm not interested in joining. I can speak for y/n  

Y/n: Well you heard her "We" Are not interested in joining.  "He smirks" 

Bianca: Untie them. 

Wednesday: I freed myself minutes ago.

Lucky i used my claws to untie myself

Y/n: Same here. 

"They go to leave but kent blocks them" 

Y/n: Get out of the way. 

Wednesday: Let me handle this. Do you want a matching black eye? 

"She gives him the rope"

"They leave"

Wednesday: Teenage clowns. 

Y/n: Who knew you were such a badass.

Wednesday: I been one. 

Y/n: How long?

Wednesday: Since i was born. 

Y/n: Excepted nothing less 

"She smirks and they go to there dorms"

"The next day"

Principal weems: You will all have assignment's "The teachers start passing them out" 

Y/n: Hello enid what did you get?

Enid: Pillgrim world!

Y/n: Good for you. 

Enid: How about you what did you get?

Y/n: Pillgrim world. 

Enid: Maybe we can take pictures together!

Y/n: Sounds great

Wednesday: ... 

Enid: Heyyy rommie! 

Wednesday: Y/n what did you get?

Y/n: pillgrim world

"She opens heres and sees she did not get pillgrim world" 

Wednesday: Enid trade with me. 

Enid: No way! Pillgrim world is more my place not that creepy store 

Y/n: Ajax got that store to. 

Enid: Wait no way? 

Y/n: Yes way. 

"They trade" 

Wednesday: Thank you. 

Y/n: I did what had to be done "He smiles and looks her in the eyes.

"All the students get off the bus"

Wednesday: Don't you have work?

Y/n: No it is only a part time job 

Wednesday: Oh. Then come with me 

"They go to pillgrim world"

Y/n: Want to take a picture? 

Wednesday: No. 

Y/n: Understood. "He smiles"

Pilgrim lady: Hello. Eyes and ears turn your phones on silent mode because we are going back into time. Now follow me where we will be working. (We will call her that all tho i watched the show so many times i can never remember her name) 

Wednesday: Me and y/n would like to work there "She points"

Pilgrim lady: Sorry but that is closed. We will be working here. "She gives them all pilgrim outfits"

Y/n: I feel like this outfit makes me want to throw up. 

Wednesday: We will sneak out in a couple of minutes wait for me outfit. 

"All the people in the fudge store leave in disgust and wednesday comes out smirking"

Y/n: I think i should leave every problem in my life to you surely know how to get rid of things and people. 

Wednesday: And yet i can get rid of the monster. 

You really want to get rid of me? 

Y/n: I am more than happy to help you get rid of this uh... monster. 

Wednesday: Enough chatting lets go. 

"They sneak into a building" 

Y/n: Hey wednesday this girl kind of looks like you. 

Wednesday: Yeah... Wait look it is the book. 

Y/n: Perfect grab it "He opens the case" 

"She grabs the book and sees blank pages"

Y/n: It is blank... 

Wednesday: This is not the original. 

Y/n: I guess not... 

"The door swings open and the lady stands there" 

pilgrim lady: I said that this place was closed. I know a thy heard me 

Y/n: We heard you but we wanted to explore. 

Wednesday: This is not the original book.

Pilgrim lady: You don't say. the original book was stolen.

Wednesday: Clearly. 

Pilgrim lady: Now get out and go back to work. 

Wednesday: Do you know where the old meeting house is? 

Pilgrim lady: How should i know? I only just moved here. 

Y/n: Me and Wednesday will be going then.

Wednesday: I need you to stay here and cover for me I'm going to go look for the old meeting house. 

Y/n: What if it is dangerous?

Wednesday: I can handle myself

Y/n: I worry about you. The monster is still out there. 

Wednesday: If i do not come back come looking for me. 

Y/n: Ok. Be careful.

Wednesday pov:

So caring for this cruel world i will protect him from this monster im sure he has a family that cares about him i can ruin that and risk his life... Maybe some emotions get in the way... 

"She goes to the woods and finds the old meeting house with thing"

"She runs into a old man" 

Old man: Who the hell are you talking to little girl? 

Wednesday: Use the word "Little" And "Girl" To address me again and i cannot Guarente your safety

Old man: This is my area get out! 

Wednesday:  A little hand here thing? 

"Thing attacks the old man. and he runs off" 

Thing hand signs: (Touch something and you will have a vision?)

Wednesday: No i cannot just touch something.

Thing hand signs: (Ask your mom for advice)

Wednesday: I rather die my hair pink than ask my mom for advice.

Thing hand signs: (Just touch something)

Wednesday: Find you want me to prove it to you? 

"She starts going around touching normal things"

Wednesday: Oh i bet this will give us some real insight "She grabs a taco bell bag" 

"Wednesday goes to leave but has a vision of crackstone burning the outcast"

Wednesday: Thing! I saw it. 

"They hear something" 

Wednesday: Hear that? Must be the old man from ealier. 

"She goes to check but instead of seeing the old man she sees the monster" 

Wednesday: Go! 

"She runs and follows the tracks that turn into human feet" 

"All the sudden xavier shows up"

Xavier: Wednesday. 

Wednesday: Xavier... What are you doing out here?

Xavier: Overheard you saying you were going to look for the old meeting house. 

Wednesday: Well i did figure out one thing. The monster is human. 

Xavier: It is here? 

Wednesday: Yes i saw it. And the foot prints lead into human feet.

Xavier: Show me. 

"She goes to show him but the rain washed them away"

Wednesday: The rain washed them away. 

Xavier: Pfft. 

Wednesday: I know what i saw. 

Xavier: Trying to be positive. 

Wednesday: How bold. 

Xavier: Why did you come out here in the first place?

Wednesday: I wanted to learn more about crackstone. 

Xavier: Be honest with me. You have visions don't you?

Wednesday: What makes you think i have them?

Xavier: Lucky guess. 

Wednesday: ...

Xavier: When did they start?

Wednesday: About a year ago. 

Xavier: You can't control them and that freaks you out?

Wednesday: It doesn't matter.

Xavier: It does. 

Wednesday: Why do you care?

Xavier: Just trying to help. 

Wednesday: Well you don't help.

"Xavier goes to speak but is cut off by y/n" 

Y/n: Wednesday.. Good to see you are okay. I got worried i started asking me where you were but nobody had a clue thought that you got hurt?

Wednesday: Well i did tell you if i didn't come back i would be here. Lucky you came i learned that the monster is human. 

Y/n: H-Human? You are kidding me right? That means somebody is a traitor... 

Wednesday: Yeah i know i already suspect a person. 

Y/n: Who? 

Wednesday: I'll tell you later.

Y/n: Oh ok... We should get out of here in case it comes back... I also look forward to hearing you play the cello! 

Wednesday: Of course. Let's go. 

Xavier: Yeah... Let's go. 

"They make it back in time xavier and y/n sit down and Wednesday sits ready to play her cello"

"The music starts and the mayor presses the button" 

"All the sudden we hear a loud boom and then a explosion. as the smoke clears up i see it clear Wednesday still sitting there playing her cello but with a more darker twist to it" 

"After that weems takes her into her office to question her. Once she comes out I'm there waiting for her"

Y/n: Good to see you didn't get expelled.

Wednesday: Not yet. 

Y/n: So you never told me who you suspect?

Wednesday: Xavier he seems like he is trying to keep a secret than he shows up out of nowhere as soon as i saw the monster. Not to mention we learned the monster is human. 

Y/n: You really think it is him?

Wednesday: The monster saved me and for some reason i feel that xavier has a tiny crush on me. 

Y/n: Kind of makes sense

Wednesday: I need to get going now. Bye y/n 

Y/n: Bye "He waves with a smile"

"He gets a call from thornhill to meet her in the woods"

Y/n: What is this?

Thornhill: We have our next victim. 

Y/n: Who? 

"Thornhill Shows a picture of the man and tells me where to find him but before i leave she always mentions xavier" 

Thornhill: Also about xavier. 

Y/n: Yes i know. He is getting closer to wednesday i caught them together today. What do we do?

Thornhill: We will frame him and make him look suspicious.

Y/n: She already suspects him so good idea. 

Thornhill: Good job. Now go kill this man. 

"I make it back to the woods where the old meeting house is i transform and attack the old man"

Little did i know i had my photos taken.    

Wednesday x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now