The gates house.

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Y/n pov: 

Me and Enid go to her dorm i was going to help her with homework, but we walk into Wednesday trying to summon something or somebody? 

Enid: Uh... sorry did we interrupt something? 

Wednesday: No. 

Y/n: What are you trying to uhm... Summon? 

Wednesday: Somebody. 

Y/n: Goody? 

Wednesday: Yes. 

"All the sudden something is slide under the door" 

Enid: Maybe goody Answered you? 

"They go to the words and wednesday goes inside leaving y/n and enid outside.  

"She keeps hearing things, so she threatens them and turns around and sees y/n Enid and others saying happy birthday she sees a cake"

Y/n: Thing told us it was your birthday. 

Enid: The pink balloon was my little touch. 

"Wednesday stares and turns around and sees something she slides her fingers against the words and has a vision of the gates house" 

"Y/n rushes and grabs her they take her back to nevermore and she wakes up" 

Enid: So what the heck happened?

Wednesday: Nothing. Where is y/n?

Enid: Working He said to tell him when you woke up. 

Wednesday: I'll go see him.

"She leaves and enters the weathervane"

Y/n pov: 

Tyler: How was the cake?

Y/n: We didn't get to try it sadly.

Tyler: Why not? 

Y/n: Accident happened. 

Tyler: Oh- Oh hey look it is wednesday "He says and she walks over"

Wednesday: Hello Tyler and y/n 

Y/n: Y-Your awake! "He smiles" 

Wednesday: I know I'm unlucky. 

Y/n: I was so worried about you all night. 

Wednesday: Mhm... 

Y/n: So you.. need anything to drink? 

Wednesday: The usual. 

"He nods and makes it and sits down with wednesday and gives her the drink"

Y/n: So what you reading? 

Wednesday: Just a book.. Oh have you seen this before? "She takes a drawing out of a gate"

Y/n: It kind of looks like the gates family's house. I think i saw it one time when me and eugene went bug hunting. 

"He lies"

Wednesday: Thanks. 

Y/n: Oh hey before you leave i want to ask you a question. 

Y/n: Would you.. like to have a birthday redo? Just me and you? "He smiles a little"

Wednesday: No sorry. Maybe another time i have more pressing issues on my mind than a birthday 

Y/n: Y-Yeah... right. 

"She leaves"

Tyler: Did you just get rejected?

Y/n: Kind of if you want to call it that...

Tyler: I'm sure you can find somebody that will actually show love and some emotions.

Y/n: I guess...

Wednesday pov: 

"Wednesday goes to the gate house mansion and was about to enter till she sees movement inside from the glass door she quickly finds somewhere to hide and sees that it is the mayor he is on the phone with what seems to be the sheriff he tells him he wants to meet up at the weathervane. She tells thing to distract him while see manages to get inside the back of the car she helps thing inside and the car takes off and stops at the weathervane. The mayor gets out and a speeding car speeds up hitting the mayor and it takes off she gets out and the sheriff just looks at her as he yells call the police" 

"He questions her in the weathervane, but she leaves a little after she goes to y/n dorm"

Y/n pov: 

Y/n is reading a little bit of the book from his dad till he hears a knock" 

Y/n: Who is it? 

Wednesday: Me. "She opens the door"

Y/n: Oh hey Wednesday. What up? 

Wednesday: I wanted to reconsider the birthday redo. 

Y/n: Really? "He says in shock"

Wednesday: Yes. Meet me at the gates by 12 i will get a uber to pick us up so look for a car. 

Y/n: Oh ok! 

"She leaves and she sends thing to invite tyler without saying anything and then says the same to enid" 

"Wednesday enters tylers car" 

Tyler: Uh.. Hey wednesday what is with the- 

Wednesday: Don't ask just drive. 

"Enid enters the car" 

Enid: Wait- he is our uber?

Tyler: Uber? I know i drive you and y/n like one time but uber? 

"Y/n enters" 

Y/n: Tyler? Enid? Wednesday what is going on? 

Enid: Let me guess she invited you? 

Y/n: Yeah she said a birthday redo... But... 

Wednesday: Been a change of plans. 

"They make it to the gate house"

Enid: Look Wednesday you didn't have to lie to us...

Y/n: Yeah... 

Wednesday: If you don't want to come than stay here.

"They come anyways. Wednesday tries to open the garage door but fails Tyler try's and fails y/n try's and fails Enid opens it successful. 

"As we enter, we see a flickering musty old light. and a car" 

Tyler: Ew what is that musty smell... 

Enid: Talk about ew.. I'm a wolf i smell it ten times better.

Wednesday: This is the car that hit the mayor. 

Enid: This just took a dark turn... We need to call Tyler's dad right now! 

Wednesday: Why so he can get me expelled? 

"Y/n knows we can't afford to have Wednesday expelled because they need her, so he agrees with Wednesday"

Y/n: Wednesday is sort of right... We need her- We need her to solve this case the cops have been making no progress. Plus, i still need to get revenge for my friend.   "His voice changes into a sad tone when he mentions Eugene" 

Tyler: Guess this is my last day on earth... 

"They walk through the hallway and see a painting of the family. They enter what looks like a library Wednesday pressed a secret button that opens a secret door. They see candles that are still warm" 

Wednesday: The candles are still warm. 

Y/n: Holly shit... 

Tyler: Ok maybe now we call my dad... 

Y/n: Don't worry we have a wolf with us. 

Enid: No! Leave me out of this i can't even transform!

Wednesday: Tyler and y/n check the downstairs. me and Enid will go look upstairs. 

Tyler: Uh... Ok... 

Wednesday pov: 

"They go upstairs and split up Enid yells for Wednesday. Wednesday enters a clean room no dust or anything"

Y/n pov: 

Tyler: Give me the flashlight "he says to y/n but hears no response" 

Tyler: Y/n? 

Y/n: Tyler Wednesday Enid run! ITS THE MONSTER "He screams to "Warn" them 

"Tyler runs upstairs with the girls and sees them" 

Wednesday pov: 

Wednesday: Tyler? Where is y/n 

Enid: Oh no... 

Tyler: I-I don't know... 

"They hear the monster coming and hide in a room waiting a couple of minutes and they finally go downstairs and see y/n with claw marks in his chest" 

Tyler: Holly crap! Y/n! 

"They all rush over to him" 

Y/n: I-I'm ok...

"Out of nowhere Xavier shows up"

Xavier: What happened?   

Wednesday: X-Xavier? 

This is good... Now that Xavier is here out of nowhere it looks like he is the Hyde 

"Xavier gives them something and covers it" 

"Time skip at Tyler's house."

"Y/n has his shirt off and Wednesday is trying to stich it up till Tyler's dad walks in." 

Sheriff Galpin: What the hell is going on here? 

Tyler: Calm down dad. He was attacked by the monster. 

Sheriff Galpin: This was your fault, wasn't it? "He points at Wednesday" 

Y/n: Calm down Sheriff. It was half of my idea. 

Sheriff Galpin: What? Explain. 

Y/n: Today is her birthday i asked her to a birthday thing she accepted, and we decided to go there, and they followed. Nobody was forced into this.

Sheriff Galpin: Fine... I'm calling principal Weems though

Enid: Oh no we are in so much trouble... 

Wednesday pov:

"Back nevermore Wednesday and all of them gets lucky Wednesday enters her dorm and Enid is packing her stuff" 

Wednesday: You don't have to go i talked with weems.

Enid: No Wednesday I do. 

Enid: You lied to all of us and almost got us killed. Plus in trouble

Wednesday: But we didn't die 

Enid: We could of!

Wednesday: I didn't force you into it. I just needed away to go 

Enid: No this is all over your stupid obsession!

Wednesday: It's not I'm one step closer to solving this mystery that is what matters. 

Enid: One step closer to almost getting Y/n killed if he keeps following you around, he will surely die. 

Wednesday: I don't ask him to

Enid: But he did and so did i! Because that is what friends do 

Wednesday: I didn't ask for you to be my friend. 

Enid: Well i tried and now look where that got me. If you want to be alone so bad be alone 

"She leaves storming out. Wednesday feels a little emotion but is quick to block it out she sits there thinking" 

Y/n pov: 

Today i had to claw myself because it would have put the mission in danger if Wednesday would have found the body parts. Its only for the mission to make Wednesday fall in love but somehow i think i may fall in love... but i got to block it out.


Wednesday x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now