Chapter Two: Saved

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Zeke p.o.v

It's not every day you wake up and start doing your normal daily routine, when halfway through on your daily lap of the compound, you find a kid at the gates, but also find out his parents abuse him cause he's apparently 'not good enough' to be a warrior and it's clear what he meant by they want a titan.

They want him to sacrifice his life to get a titan, just so they can use him as a weapon against Marley, it reminds me of myself and how I had to betray my father and mother cause they wanted the same thing from me but I used them to get in this place.

But now I have a fainted child laying on the dirt path outside the camp and any normal person would panic, but I have a plan this kid is smart so what if I nudge him in the right direction, what if I lets say inform general Wilson about this kids story.

Once inside he'd be forced to snitch his parents and maybe even get into the program, having someone I can trust in here wouldn't be too bad plus maybe he can help me someday, so that's what I did I sprinted off towards the large brick building.

I ran past the guards and into the building, I sprinted past the reception and towards the meeting room and with perfect timing, General Wilson was coming out from the meeting room, 'Oh hello there Zeke, what's with the rush?' General Wilson asked as he brushed his light gray beard, General Wilson was an older gentleman, who had taken part in the first old war, he had many medals on his left shoulder and he was proud of them all.

'There's a kid outside the gate, I think he's dying,' I stated but the general and now the other elite members of Marley's military gave me a confused look.

'Why would I care? He can die for all I care.' Wilson said as he pushed past me while letting out a small grunt, the other men and women chuckled as they walked past.

'You should care, he has information on another rebellion growing in the shadows,' I said raising my voice so he could hear me, and that seemed to do it as the group all stopped laughing and gave each other worried looks.

'Is that so, How do you know this?" Wilson asked causing the group of men and women to move out of the way of Wilson, he had a very serious look on his face as he rubbed his chin.

'It's what the kid said before fainting, His parents want him to be a warrior so he can get a titan and they would use him against Marley.' I explained and now they all started to bicker about what to do.

'Fine ... Mary go get the camp nurse and tell her to go to the front gate, Zeke come with me,' General Wilson said and a nice red-haired lady fast walked past me and towards the nurse's office while the other men and women started to go back into the meeting room as it seems this information needs to speak on.

Wilson stood at the door waiting for me to direct him to the exact place this kid was at and so I followed him through the doors and slowly made it out the building then I sprinted off towards the front gate where the kid was still their out cold on the ground.

The sound of the general's boots stomping on the brick path could be heard getting louder from behind me, until I could see the general standing next to me, 'so this is the kid?' the general asked as he knelt to get a better view, 'I was expecting a boy not a girl.' he said I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

'He's definitely a boy, he may look like a girl but his voice is male maybe a bit squeaky.' I explained as Wilson stood back up then he started to jingle something in his pocket, when I looked up I realised he was getting the keys to the gate.

I quickly moved out of his way as he shoved the key into the metal gate and began to unlock it, as he did this a new set of footsteps could be heard behind me this time it sounded more elegant and light as they quickly jogged over to us.

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