Chapter Four: Hide And Seek

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Porco p.o.v

Dreams are the only escape I had, when I was at home we didn't have the best living conditions, we used to live in a small wooden shack with only two bedrooms, a toilet, and a living room.

We lived in the city of Liberia and whenever I dreamed, I would dream we were Marleyan citizens with a real house and a dining table where we would all eat, but that didn't come true until I and Marcel got into this warrior program and now we are living better.

We were given a new home that was larger than our last and even though me and my brother would still have to share a room, we didn't care because having a place to cook and eat inside our home was actually fun.

All except for one fact we never get to stay home for long, we have some holidays like Christmas and Easter where we get about two weeks off to stay at home, but apart from that we live in these wooden barracks where we sleep with six or seven kids at a time.

So every day I would dream about having a normal dinner at our dining table, our father would sit at one end of the table and our mother would sit at the other.

Then me and Marcel would sit in between them, we always were having some big meal and today's was no different, today's dinner was a whole roasted pig with all different kinds of meat surrounding it then there were some vegetables of all kinds.

'Now before we begin our feast let's talk of our days,' our mother said as she flicked her ash blond hair out the way of her face.

'I'll start first, My day at work was like any other, Stressful as I have almost lost another finger,' My father said brushing his hand through his short dark brown hair, 'The factory has been getting us to work double time so chances of losing a finger is very high.' he stated then it moved to my brother.

'Well me and Porco did some training and Porco needs to wake up,' Marcel said I looked at him confused.

'Huh?' I questioned but Marcel just looked at me with a blank stare.

'Wake up Porco!!' he said again, but he sounded worried while his face showed no sign of any emotion, suddenly our home began to shake like we were having an earthquake, but when I looked around the dining room I realised it wasn't an earthquake, no I was the one shaking.

'Wake up!!' Marcel said one last time before everything went dark and I slowly opened my eyes revealing Marcel leaning into my bed while shaking me awake, 'Ok Ok I'm awake. What's wrong?' I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

'Astral has gone missing. I heard him shout no and it woke me up-' Marcel said sounding slightly panicked, 'he then hopped off his bed and left,' I slowly pushed myself up avoiding smacking my head on the bunk bed.

When I finally got up I realised the sun had just gotten over the trees, "Come on Marcel why do you care? I mean we did what we were told and if he breaks the rules it's his fault,' I said as I laid back down getting ready to go back to sleep.

'Yes, but if he is caught Wilson might think we didn't do a good job explaining the rules. Just come on.' Marcel quickly grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the Dorm.

'So you want us to get in trouble for a kid we barley know? Due to the chance we might get blamed.' I remarked as we left the dorm and walk into the center of camp.

'You might not have, but I actually talked to him and I know his favorite color is orange and his favorite subject is maths, I know he's older than you by a few months.' Marcel said and somehow that frustrated me even more, knowing that short arse is technically older than me.

"So what? You know him, How are we even supposed to find him? He could be anywhere.' I pointed out and this was enough for Marcel to stop and think for a moment.

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