Chapter Three: Friends

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Narrator p.o.v

It didn't take long for the word of a new warrior entering the program to get around the camp, and everyone wanted to know who it was. No they didn't want to make friends, they wanted to know who this new rival was and whether they were a threat or not.

It was a bit late for someone new to be joining, and all the warriors of his age had already made their friend groups so they just wanted to know if he had a better shot then them.

Getting into the program is one thing, but passing is the goal you want as you and your family become honorary Marleyan citizens if you can get one of 6 available titans, so it's no surprise that the warriors would be worried about another contender for one of those six titans, that's life in the program you either pass and get a titan or you have to train for another 13 years waiting for your turn to try again.

After giving the general what he wanted, Astral only had to wait a few days after his parent's execution before he could join the others, for the time being he had to live with the nurse who would be the same person to introduce him to the others, he had grown quite attached to the nurse who took care of him for the few days. She even started to feel bad for the kid as there's a chance his life will become a lot shorter.

Those few days go by fast and now the warriors are all awoken by a long alarm ringing out from the speaker system.

Porco P.o.v

The one thing I didn't want after a late night of talking with my brother about the new kid, was a loud ear-splitting alarm ringing in our dorm, I slowly pushed myself up not wanting to jolt awake as I would bang my head off the top bunk.

Suddenly the alarm just stopped before being followed by a loud ring as a mic was turned on, 'Listen up you have a quarter of an hour to wake up and ready in the courtyard.' General Wilson's voice roared out from the speakers before being followed by the same ring as he turned the mic off.

The Barracks slowly filled with tired groans and moans as all the lads starts to wake from their sleep, I could even hear Marcel my brother waking up above me, 'Hey Marcel, what do you think it's about this time?' I asked as I slid my legs off my bed and rubbed my eyes.

Across from our beds had always been a set of empty bunk beds, 'I think it's obvious that new kid is probably joining us,' Marcel said from above me, I had to quickly dodge his feet as he swung them off his bed, "sorry bro, almost hit you there.' Marcel said I leaned forwards and looked up to see Marcel was looking down at me,

'Eh you didn't hit me so I don't care" I said as I stood up off my bed, Marcel let out a small chuckle as he stretched his arms.

'It's gonna be weird having one of those beds full huh,' Marcel said as he hopped off his bed landing right next to me.

'No, It will just be like normal just with an extra kid,' I said as I started to grab my freshly cleaned uniform from the end of my bed, 'it will depend on who it is that will make it weird,' I commented as I started to get changed into the uniform.

Once on I finished up my look by combing back my hair, Marcel took a bit longer to get dressed as he had to hunt for his yellow armband he might be perspective but sometimes I'm shocked how my older brother loses his armband.

Once on I finished up my look by combing back my hair, Marcel took a bit longer to get dressed as he had to hunt for his yellow armband he might be perspective but sometimes I'm shocked how my older brother loses his armband

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