Chapter five: The final three

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Narrator p.o.v

Tension were high on camp, every kid there had worked hard for three years or more to get a titan, and now there's three left, the jaw titan, the cart titan and the Armoured titan. No one knew when the next meeting was or where it would take place, and this lead to fighting.

This was full on fist fights, boys and girls attacking eachother trying to prove they deserved the spot of one of those three titans.

Meanwhile a small group of kids just stayed out of it, these were Reiner, Marcel, Porco, Astral and Pieck they just kept quiet, some didn't care if they got a titan while some were just shy.

This showed to General Wilson two things, one they needed to pick who will get these last titans NOW!! before they have no warriors left after they have beaten eachother to a pulp, and two he had five good candidates who were patient, and didn't want to rip eachother's throats out.

So he called that the next meeting takes place as soon as possible, but little would he know that one of the warriors would be stuck eaves dropping on the meeting by accident.

Marcel p.o.v

Today was not going how I expected it to go, to start things off I woke up to find Porco fighting another kid, apparently this kid was bullying Astral about his height, probably someone who's insecure about his chances of getting a titan.

Then instead of doing our normal training sessions we would have like target practice, we were forced to do chores, Porco and Astral were given the task of moving a crate of titan flued into the main building.

Meanwhile here I am, in the storage closet in the meeting room with a small crate holding the door open, if the door was to shut I would be locked in here untill someone comes.

I was given the job of putting away boxes of ammo into the storage closet because apparently I'm the only warrior they trusted with not stealing any bullets.

To be honest it slowly became an enjoyable task, I would grab a box of bullets and place them on the correct shelf for there bullets, hand gun stays with hand gun, shotgun with shotgun and rifle rounds with rifle rounds, it was repetitive but calming, and I started to get into the rythme of things.

That was untill I turned around to grab another box, as I turned I felt my foot bump into the small crate that held the ammo, at first I wasn't bothered and started to grab more boxes, but suddenly I heard a loud bang coming from the door causing me to drop a box of shotgun shells.

When I looked back at what made the bang sound my face went pale, the box holding the door had been knocked out and the metal door had slammed shut.

I quickly ran up to the metal door and started banging on it and shaking it's handle, I even started to scream for help, but no one was their and I was trapped.

At first I just slid down the metal door and sat on the cold concrete floor, I was defeated, once I'm found in here stuck I will be in big trouble, but after a while I got up and continued my job, maybe if it looked like I didn't know the door had closed I wouldn't get in trouble.

Soon half an hour flew by and I had completely packed the ammo away, and now I was sat at the door hoping that someone would come.

That was when I heard the doors of the meeting room open, and the sound of people speaking could be heard, I was about to start knocking on the door for help when I finally heard something that stopped me.

'Why must we decide now? don't you feel wilson we have rushed with the last bunch.' a female said as her heals clacked on the wooden floor.

'I do feel we have rushed ahead Miss Karla,' Wilson said as the sound of chairs being pulled out filled the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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