24. "Do not open."

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Hoseok wakes up with a frown, pink pouty lips jutting out as he stares at the other side of the bed where his contractual husband lays with his eyes closed and chest rising up and down calmly

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Hoseok wakes up with a frown, pink pouty lips jutting out as he stares at the other side of the bed where his contractual husband lays with his eyes closed and chest rising up and down calmly.

He feels conflicted as he thinks about last night.

Yoongi shut him out completely and remained in his room for the rest of the night while Hoseok went back to the dinner table to entertain the guests. The brunette couldn't help but to wonder why the topic of his late sister would affect the man the way it did.

Namjoon who had silently caught onto his confusion, made it his mission to try and cheer the younger up at any chance possible. The dinner went on without the black haired male whose father had no regrets about his disappearance.

Later as he retired back to their shared room, Hoseok found the older snuggled under the blanket with tear-stained face. The look in his face reminded him of a longing young child waiting to be embraced.

He moved on his own accord and sat by the other side of the bed, slowly bringing his hand up to card his fingers through the soft strands of hair. He felt the older snuggling closer to the warmth that he provided.

Just as a small smile curved its way onto the brunette's lips, he found himself retreating his hand back with his brows furrowing.

'Don't touch me or show me pity if you're not going to be there with me every time I'm vulnerable.'

With Yoongi's words ringing into his ears, the shorter of the husbands quickly moved away and laid stiffly on the right with his back facing the older.

It was silent for a couple of minutes before Hoseok had heard shuffling behind. Slowly he felt arms wrapping around his waist and pulling him closer to the taller's firm chest.

Hoseok gasped, lips trembling as he felt the heat rushing through his veins and colouring his chubby cheeks.



The smaller kept mum, his eyes closing involuntarily as Yoongi tightened the grip on his petite frame and nuzzled his nose on the side of his neck.

Hoseok wanted to whimper, he wanted to push away but deep down he knew that's not what he really wanted to do. Instead, he silently basked in the intimacy.

It was wrong on so many levels, it wasn't right to have Yoongi pressed against his back but he'd be a fool to complain because at that moment Hoseok wanted nothing separating him from the black haired male.

The contract that they had signed months ago was pushed to the back of his mind as Yoongi leaned in closer.

"Sorry, I know I told you not to touch me or show me sympathy but I think I can't do this on my own any longer."

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