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Izuku knocked on the door, almost instantly being let in by a flowing figure of colors. There was no way to describe it. They seemed to exchange words without speaking, understanding each other completely. I stared in awe for a few moments before Izuku hooked his arm with mine, walking into the large home.

It was a bit overwhelming. I didn't expect such a large area. Actually, I hadn't known what to expect at all. The place was beautiful, like Izuku's home, but held other details. The round ceiling in this home had flames that danced around beautifully. It was a little warm too. I understood why Izuku recommended a light, flowing dress.

"So many people...." I quietly said. I felt a little out of place. It came to my mind again that I had been with a demon prince of dreams for almost two months. I reminded myself that everyone here were the same as him.

I stood out again.

"Yn, are you alright?" Izuku asked.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at him, meeting worried eyes. "Yeah... I just feel so different. You have to remember I'm completely new to this." I said, throwing in a bit of an excuse.

He nodded and patted my shoulder a bit. "I like that you're different."

I smiled a bit, starting to feel a bit better.

Some time passed and Izuku introduced me to quite a few people. When they spoke to each other, they used their formal titles, but I learned their regular names too, though, there were a lot to remember. An hour had gone by and I had met almost everyone there. They were a lot nicer than people I knew back home. I wondered why.

Izuku and I ended up standing by Uraraka (Amare), Jiro (Admiari), and Iida (Ordo). An hour had passed by and drinks had been handed out. I denied myself any access to one unless it was water. I couldn't handle the taste or smell of any type of alcohol.

A buzzed Uraraka was telling a couple of stories about experiences on the surfaceworld when I started to feel a familiar burning sensation.

Someone here.... The thought hit me hard, making me a little sick. I glanced at Izuku, who had a small blush on his face. Mina(Chaos), had put a bet down that he couldn't handle as much as she could. He tapped out on shot number four, already drunk. He definitely had a bad tolerance. He hadn't sobered up at all since then. In fact, I was almost positive that I was the only sober person here at all, not that anyone had gone too far, but they were buzzed to say the least.

I tapped Izuku's shoulder. "I'm going to the restroom. I need a break." I said.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking at me with glossy eyes.

I nodded. "Yeah, just gonna have some quiet time." I said. I stepped away from the small group, slipping into the larger group of people. The burn left and I let out a sigh, pushing through the group towards the restroom. I didn't feel safe.

Once I moved out of the larger group, I bumped into someone, stumbling back a bit and looking up as they turned from Todoroki to me. It was a boy with blonde, spiked hair, and ruby red eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to get to the restroom." I said, moving to step past him.

"Oh. Let me walk you. I was just getting ready to go there and you seem uncomfortable." He said.

Was it that obvious?

I smiled slightly. At least I was with someone now. He seemed like he hadn't had a drop of alcohol tonight. No silly smile or giggled sentences. "Thank you."

He nodded and waved at Todoroki, starting to walk with me. He walked a little slowly, giving me a look. "You seem a little eager to get there."

I shrugged slightly. "I just need a minute. It's my first time going anywhere like this. It's a bit much."

He chuckled a bit. "You're Izuku's bride aren't you? I'm surprised this isn't just another day to you."

"Well, it was a lot to take in at first, just, I feel like I stand out a bit much here." I admitted.

We got to the bathroom and the blonde opened the door for me, letting me in.

"Thank you. I'll try not to take long so you can get in here." I said.

"Take as much time as you need. You seem stressed." He said, closing the door.

I locked it and walked over to a stool in front of the mirror, sitting down and holding my head a bit. The bathroom was cooler, not so warm. The burning was gone. It was quiet as well. Perfect.

After some time, there was a knock. "I brought some water, do you need any?" The blonde asked from outside of the room.

I walked over and opened the door, smiling lightly and taking the glass. "Thank you. I really appreciate it. I was starting to think I was the only person who hadn't been drinking. Izuku's a little drunk too. I kinda felt uncomfortable. He's usually with me so I feel a little like a puppy without my owner. Kind of lonely and nervous." I said, starting to overthink a bit.

The blonde lifted a hand to my shoulder, resting it there. "Calm down. Just take a drink and breathe." He said.

I nodded slightly, taking a drink.

After a few minutes, the boy was sitting with me in the bathroom, talking me through what felt like a bit of anxiety. I wouldn't mention the burning.

I wouldn't mention that the water tasted different.

I didn't want to tell him that I felt drowsy.

It was only when I started falling asleep that I tried waking myself back up by standing. That was the final straw. Everything was dim, then dark.

As everything faded out, I could feel someone picking me up.

If only he had permanently bound you.

1020 words!

Uh oh. Well, only one thing you can do now.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

Sorry, I have Finding Nemo on my mind rn for some reason ;-; Dory is the best character.

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