Chapter Four.

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Karl doesn't want to open his eyes.

The body against him shakes with a quiet laugh. "Are you alright sweetheart?" The voice is close to his ear—breath hot on his neck—to avoid being drowned out by the music.

Karl winces, but opens his eyes slowly, immediately making a loud, embarrassed squeak when he notices who it is. "Hi."

Quackity's lookalike grins—he's so pretty—and then speaks up again with that warm, colgate breath. "Mornin'."

Karl quickly scrambles out of his grasp, only feeling more awkward when he notices the height difference between them. Then all of a sudden he's aware of the things he wasn't when on opposite ends of the room: the layer of sweat over the noirettes forehead, and the way his shirt has the first few buttons undone to tease, and how he has an almost unnoticeable amount of eyeliner framing his eye.

"It's the evening." Karl says, then immediately hates himself.

Quackity's lookalike raises an attractive eyebrow. "I'm sorry then.." he laughs—beautiful beautiful— then pauses. "And you're welcome I suppose." He glances behind him at the now broken table.

Karl follows his gaze and cringes. "Oops."

He shrugs as he puts his hands in his pockets, "as long as you can pay for it, I won't mind."

"Why wouldn't you mind?"

Quackity's lookalike looks confused. "I own this place.. I had assumed that's why you were staring-"

Karl blinks at him, and then gasps. "You- oh I... No, I knew that." Suddenly, he understands. Why he couldn't drag his eyes away from the lookalike. Why he was led to this club. What he does next. It was all XD, the lookalike must be his next clue. "Ohhh, you own this place." He sighs in relief.

"And.. You knew that."

"Yes. Yes I did."

Quackity's lookalike snorts. "Okay listen, you can ask the staff for my Venmo to pay me back, okay? I gotta go."


Karl has the feeling that Quackity doesn't have to go, he's just decided Karl isn't worth his time. "Wait!"

But the noirette does not wait, and Karl is forced to shove through the crowds to follow him. "Please I.. I have a question." Quackity's-lookalike pauses, and then gestures for them to walk and talk.

"Well then, I hope I have an answer." He sends Karl a flashy grin, despite the slight annoyance that had been on his face before, and then finally stopping when he reaches the opposite wall. It's near the bar, and the man takes it upon himself to make his own drink from the wrong side of the machine.

"Well.." the brunette pauses, scanning the room in hopes he'd be able to know what to say, before sighing and turning back to the man. "What's.. Your name?"

The Quackity-lookalike hesitates, shoulders tensing and fists clenching, before he's back to normal again, laughing it off and giving Karl a look he can't quite place.

"Well, you'll have to earn yourself that answer, mon amour." he winks as he leans against the wall, and Karl blushes. Oh.

Karl doesn't know what to say to this man. Usually XD gives him more than this, the other being more enthusiastic or a mission he can carry through. But this man.. He's just looking Karl up and down like he wants to lay him down and eat him for breakfast.

"You look like a hooker. Y'wearin' the colours for it."

Karl is not expecting that to be the way the silence between them was broken—he's usually the one filling silences—and he swallows down the urge to choke on his own breath at the others words.

"Well.. I'm not." he tries to ignore the way that the Quackity-lookalike is clearly checking him out, making him feel a bit hot and uncomfortable. (Because he's nervous, not because he likes it.)

The man tuts, "shame, you would be a good hooker."

Karl decides he hates this, apparently this lookalike's personality does not match his pretty face. "Thank you?"

The Quackity-lookalike laughs, gesturing for the guy who just appeared behind the bar to make him another drink. "You're weird."

Karl opens his mouth.

"If you say thank you again I'll throw you out."

Karl closes his mouth.

The Quackity-lookalike snorts.

"So, what else do you want?"

Karl blinks, "who said I wanted anything?" he asks, watching as the man throws back an entire glass in one go. (Karl is confused as to how the man isn't at least a little bit more tipsy. Or maybe he just always acts tipsy, so you can never tell when he actually is. Although what you would benefit from that, Karl isn't actually sure.)

"You still being here, if you don't want something else, leave."

Well okay then. Karl hesitates, then nods. "Right.. Well I have another question." Does he?

"You're nosy." he comments.

Karl pulls a face, "I try." he earns himself another laugh. (A laugh that doesn't make Karl feel all fuzzy inside. Honestly, maybe he should check his temperature when he gets home, this man is making him feel something... familiar. And not in a bad way.)

"Alright, I'll answer your question on one condition."

Karl nods, "okay."

"Kiss me."

849 words.

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