Chapter Twelve.

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• thirty seven minutes ago •

Karl had woken up to the smell of tobacco. The deja vu had made his eyes blink open drearily, and then immediately snap shut at the bright light above him. Where was he?

A voice speaks up near him; familiar, but he can't put his finger on it. "Sweetheart? You alright?"

Slowly, he lets his eyes get used to the brightness as he blinks so they are fully open, propping up on his elbows when he can only see the ceiling. He's lying on a, frankly uncomfortable, couch against the back wall of a very modern-looking office.

The source of the smell is sitting a few feet from him at the desk in the middle of the room, leaning back in his office chair as he takes another drag from his cigarette. Black hair tucked under a beanie, an expensive looking suit, and dark eyes that studies him carefully. The sight sparks a smile. Yeah, Karl knows who... Oh.

The noirette sits up slightly when Karl starts to breathe more frantically and scrambling to be stood up from the couch. He stands and gently pushes Karl to be sat again, looking at him in half-assed worry. "Yeah, no." He laughs, "you had a panic attack mid-kissing me man, im not letting you rush out of here until i make sure you're alright at least. Plus, I still owe you, remember?"

Karl can barely hear the other, too caught up in his chasing his own mind as it runs away from him. He remembers everything. He remembers remembering.

Oh Prime, he finally opened the door he swore he never would. There's a glaring light shining through it: obnoxious and in his face. It hurts, it's blinding him. He thought he would finally be able to see, but instead the new world has reduced his senses.

For months he has been sitting in the dark, knowing the monsters are there but not daring to shine a torch in fear of seeing them. But now he's being blinded: now the light is so overwhelmingly there he can't ignore it anymore. He's finally understanding that there are monsters.

"Ah shit not this again..." The lookalike sounds worried despite his words. "Breathe.. Hey, hey honey just breathe with me okay?"

He loves Quackity. He knows that now. The man of golden, alluring beauty. He's the yin to their yang, the salt to their pepper. But he hates him. For months, this anger had festered inside of him, only exaggerated by Sapnap's beggings for him to remember—that he now understands.

So as much as Karl's first instinct was to run back to that happiness, back to that love and adoration that he held so tender in his heart: he knows that now it has to be more of a past sort of love. A thing he cares for for how contented it made him, and how it shaped him, but he hasn't experienced Quackity's love in such a long while. He doubts he would know how to love him after so long of resenting him.

He can't breathe. Oh, he realises, I lost Quackity's love a long time ago.

Maybe he blacks out again after that, maybe not. But next time he opens his eyes the walls no longer feel like they're moving in, and instead of Quackity's lookalike being sat on the chair a few feet from him: it's Sapnap's.

The ravenette is a juxtaposition to how Quackity's was. Unlike the smaller, he looks nervous. His hands wring each other dry as he leans his elbows on his knees, and he stares through his legs to the floor, not making eye contact.

The following interaction had been a similar one to Quackity's; he stopped Karl standing up and sprinting out of there, though slightly more frantically, and gently maneuvered him so his arms could wrap all the way around Karl in a comforting hug.

And that was exactly what he needed. The familiarity, the intimacy. The lookalike's arms were strong, warm and routine. The one face he recognised through his panic made all the shadows burn up in the light.

A selfish part of him had hoped to wake up in his bed in Kinoko after he had blacked out, that he could wake up in Sapnap's arms after all of the overwhelming emotion in him and just have mindless cuddles, at least for now he can have a replica. But still, he hopes that after all this is over, they can hug in the solace they always seem to find together. That even if he can't have Quackity, he can have his Sapnap.

And Oh, he has finally realized.

He lost Quackity's love a long time ago, and he only just found out. So what does he do now?

793 words.

I think this is the second shortest chapter so far :o.

I did another pov change what do we think.

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