Chapter Twenty.

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• three hundred and thirty seven years in the future •

Karl and Sapnap's lookalike end up chatting almost all day, joking and messing around with each other like in the blessed honeymoon phase they had gone through in Karl's timeline all those years ago.

Karl thinks they've gotten closer over the few hours, and secretly he's hoping that it's enough that in case the Trains do decide to run tomorrow, Sapnap can convince Quackity to let Karl stay anyway.

Mainly though, he's just happy to be in such a familiar presence. He can't remember the last time he properly laughed with Sapnap—or, anyone for that matter—so it's comforting to do it again right when his mind is deciding to declare war against the rest of his body.

When Quackity's lookalike finally comes back downstairs to the club room from where he had been working in his office, he finds the two sat at the bar, Karl watching Sapnap with enthralled countenance as the other tells a mediocre story at best.

The club is sweeped sure, but the bar certainly isn't wiped down and Karl hasn't even looked at the toilets in the bathroom.

Surprisingly though, Quackity's lookalike doesn't mention any of it, and instead makes them all each a glass of water for their "hard work" and joins into the conversation.

Karl's heart is soft and warm by the first hour of the three just rambling about things that don't matter and discussing the word "particle".

("It's such a goofy-sounding word." Sapnap had laughed, and then Karl had gone on to echo it quickly over and over until it sounding like he was saying "plolol" on repeat.)

They're discussing whether or not non-monogamy is natural when Sapnap's lookalike speaks up. "Oh by the way Boss," he glances at Karl. "Is it alright if Karl sleeps in my bed tonight?"

Both of the other's gaze snap to him with confused looks. "What? Why? Where would you sleep?" Quackity's lookalike asks. Karl nods along.

"I don't want him to get a crick in his neck is all, and he's our guest, I don't mind sleeping on the couch."

"I couldn't do that-"

"You shouldn't do that." Quackity interrupts, placing his glass on the bar. "Karl is our guest, sure, but you-" he cuts himself off. "...are important to the business."

(Karl internally smiles to himself.)

Sapnap's lookalike protests. "I don't mind, really-"

"But you shouldn't have to."

"I want to-!"

The two continue to dispute it for a while, Sapnap staying stubborn in his decision to help Karl's back and Quackity arguing without a valid point that he can say out loud. Karl watches them for a while, but it's only when the boss says "well there must be somewhere else.." that Karl has the terrible idea he's definitely going to act upon.

"You must have a bigger bed." He points out to Quackity, "why don't you both just share that?"

It's only when both of their expressions falter into a cross between flustered and baffled that Karl processes what he said. "Oh, uh-" he cringes. "I mean it's just.. Well, I assumed you wouldn't want to share with me is all, and it's clear he isn't giving up any time soon."

When neither of them reply he continues. "If you have any better suggestions though.." He laughs drearily, trailing off.

"Um." Sapnap's lookalike glances at Quackity's with a blush that reaches to the tips of his ears. "Well.. I wouldn't mind or anything."

The noirette stares at him for a moment, his lips are parted so when he gasps quietly it's more obvious, and his own flush is growing redder by the second. "Uh.. Right, okay. Well, I guess we could do that." He glances at Karl. "Cool."

Sapnap's lookalike glances at Karl too, a thankful but pissed expression on his face too. He looks back at Quackity when he whispers an echo of "cool."

Karl can feel it as soon as the two enter Quackity-lookalike's bedroom: he's going home soon.

There's a familiar sizzle on his skin that makes his hair feel lighter as compared to it's usual drag on his skull and he feels more.. Balmy, as if there's a melting sun caressing every inch of his skin in an approach that is barely toeing the line of ticklish.

When Karl identifies the uneasiness, it's hard to stop the grin spreading across his face. Very soon, he'll be back home. Maybe tonight he'll sleep in the arms of his fiance. His fiances.

Shit, Karl is almost ready to just succumb to the feeling, he can barely contain the excitement brewing in his intestines after all, but before he can, and Quackity's lookalike is glancing back at Karl from his own room and rushing over to him before he can go.

"Hey! Uh," he stops in front of the brunette, glancing back toward the door of his room—and the direction of a certain Sapnap—before settling his gaze on Karl. He has to look up slightly to make eye contact with him, and his eyes twinkle from the lights above them. Karl wouldn't describe the look as ethereal, but there's a certain domesticity to his features that makes the brunette want to squeal.

(Karl loves him. Fucking shit; he loves Quackity so much he can barely remember how to not.)

"I just wanted to.. Well, I've realised I still owe you. For the kiss, that is."

"Oh, right." Karl nods, and thinks for a moment, unsure of what the man was asking him to say.

The man seems to realise this, and promptly continues. "I just thought I would let you know, so you could think of a question or something. I'm very grateful to you for uh, well I suppose you know.." He gestures back to the room where Sapnap's lookalike is and smiles wryly, Karl nods with a quietened grin.

"So just.. Thank you? And I'm supposing that's from Nikolai too if tonight goes the way I'm hoping."

Karl's eyes widen before he can stop them. "Nikolai..." he breathes. He knows Sapnap's lookalike's name, and he doubts he's going to forget it.

The lookalike nods, amusement showing on his expression at Karl's awe. "Yeah, and uh.. I'm Qin; the kiss you gave me is a question worth more than a name." It sounds like it should be a joke, but his vulnerability shines through each word. Karl doubts this man shares such information to many passing travelers, and he can't help but feel incredible privilege.

The serotonin is enough to keep the conversation going just a while longer, despite how he yearns to give into the warmth and return to his loves. "I already know what my request is, for the debt."

Qin tilts his head curiously. "Oh?"

Karl smiles at his own cheesiness before he even says the words. "Treat Nikolai good, yeah? You both deserve that elation, and I want nothing more than your two's happiness."
Qin is surprised at Karl's words, but he hides it well, studying the brunette's expression for only a moment before he glances at the floor, hiding a smile. "I think you may regret that one in the morning."

Karl breathes out, unable to contain his giddiness at seeing a flash of teeth. "No." He grins. "I don't think I will."

Qin laughs quietly at this, and shakes his head in disbelief. "Okay." He glances once more back at the room before returning his gaze to the older for the final time. "Goodnight, Karl. Sleep well."

"You too." The man returns—and before he can stop himself, "I hope-" you spend the rest of your lives together, waking up every morning and smiling at the mess of hair lying on your chest. I hope that you cherish the adoration and love you share. I hope your lives are filled with nothing but happiness and goodwill, for that is all you deserve.

"I hope you have a good night."

Qin laughs at the implications of that, on the verge of grinning. "Yeah." he sighs lightheartedly, evaluating Karl carefully. "I hope we get you home to him."

At that Karl grins, laughing a little himself at the irony. "Don't worry, I have a feeling you don't need to worry about that."

"Goodnight, Karl."

"Goodnight, Qin."

1378 words.

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