Chapter Eight

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"It's good?" Quackity has one of those attractive, cocky smirks on his face he always wears when he knows he's done something right. He's leaning on the dining table, opposite Sapnap, head resting on his hand as he watches the blaze-born shovel the food in his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up." Sapnap practically moans in delight, though the words come out a lot more muffled around his mouthful. Quackity grimaces as a speck of food lands near him, but continues to stare at Sapnap in grossed-out wonder anyway.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Quackity knows it's good, Sapnap thinks, he knows how good he is at this. Quackity was always the cook of the three, and right now Sapnap will lie to himself and tell him the duck's cooking is what he missed most about him. It certainly isn't far behind whatever's in first place though, this shit is good.

If he's being honest with himself, Sapnap knows that Quackity is the reason he's eaten so well this past week or so. He's been starving for months, both literally and figuratively. He had to force himself into the kinoko kitchen for a while: there was no one left to cook for him. Bad's doing God knows what nowadays, George is never awake—not that he was ever too good of a cook anyway—Dream's in jail, Karl is usually fucked off to whatever fairytale he's chasing after that day, and Quackity... Quackity was the scary option. But boy is he glad he conquered that fear.

The duck stands up fully, and turns to grab his own plate and turn off the stove. "I'm glad." He says, "I haven't got the chance to cook for anyone in forever, I was scared I was out of practice."

Sapnap swallows his mouthful. "Nope. You're as talented as ever." He doesn't know why he said it like that.

"Good to know."

They lull into silence, not exactly comfortable, but Sapnap finds himself glad that he has someone to share the silence with. Awkward silence is better than alone silence, he thinks.

Without knowing what to say, Sapnap resorts to scanning the room. A thing he finds he's doing more often than not nowadays. It's extravagant and large—as everything of Quackity seems to be. The bathtub, the bed, the wardrobe.. He could go on. Everything here is luxurious and perfect. Even the clothes Sapnap had to borrow from Quackity are silk half the time.

("I'm not sure any of your stuff would fit me." Sapnap fiddles with the expensive fabric of the robe he's borrowed, that's luckily longer than your average one and not too small for him.

"Well um.." Quackity rifles through the drawer he's currently in, not facing Sapnap. "I have a few things too big for me. For comfort, you know.")

They ended up being exactly Sapnap's size, a coincidental fortune neither one of them commented on. And Sapnap's has spent the last while living in basically pajamas every day, since there aren't any 'normal' clothes in his size. He can't say he minds too much though.

It feels strange, not having the familiar scratch of his usual cheap clothes, or the weight of his armor dragging him down, but it's soothing in a way—and not only in the sense that the clothes are incredibly, very comfortable.

Instead it's like a new start. When he came to Quackity he wasn't planning on abandoning Kinoko, and he still isn't. The mushroom kingdom is his home, like it or not. But the future seems so complicated, so cuddling in silk with a man he knows he once loved, and maybe still does, is a lot easier. The luxury just separates that part of him from the side with all of the trauma and the armor. Quackity even called the penthouse "our home" yesterday. (He apologised for the slip up, but Sapnap didn't really find it in him to mind, this home has someone to hold him when he cries at least).

One subtlety that will never change however, is the headband. The white fabric is tied behind his head every morning by Quackity's fingers, a trend that started on morning four, and removed by the same hand every night. Then it lies on their bedside table until morning, when the cycle repeats. It's the only reminder of home that he's clinging to, and he's not planning on letting it go any time soon.

A pounding on the door interrupts his thoughts, and Quackity's fork collides with his plate with a loud "clack". The two share a look, and Sapnap can see his discomfort clear as day. He looks wary; suspiciously upset.

"Who is it?"

Quackity's gaze snaps to him, and his eyes soften only barely as they make eye contact. "I'm not expecting anyone." He says, and Sapnap understands: Quackity is scared.

There are many threats in this world, and Quackity is not exactly known for his talents at making friends. The past few days have been a comforting solace, and this is the first interruption they've had. He has a right to be cautious.

"I'll get it." Sapnap stands, intent on grabbing his armor and facing whoever's behind the wood. (It's probably Foolish with another marble situation, that would be funny.)

"No- Sapnap!" Quackity leans over the table and clutches Sapnap's arm in his, but only studies his face when the ravenette turns.

"Q." Sapnap says softly. "I can take care of myself." He takes the hand on his arm in his own, and rubs a reassuring thumb across it. There's another violent knock, getting both of their attention, and Quackity doesn't get time to protest before Sapnap is pulling away and heading out of the kitchen.

His sword is a familiar weight, one he cherishes as he stares at the polished front door to their penthouse. The weapon had been leaning against the wall next to it, still there from when Sapnap had walked in on that first day, not dared to touch by either of them.

Sapnap bounces it in his palm a few times, before moving his other hand onto the metal of the door handle. He hesitates, sharing Quackity's useless worries for a moment, before dismissing them and turning it. Even if it were.. An enemy, they would be burnt to a crisp before he'd let anyone dare to lay a single finger on Quackity. As a quiet reassurance, he lets the familiar burn of heat build up in his fingers, ready to spring into action at the slightest movement.

The door swings open easily but not suddenly, and the man on the other side of the door makes all of the fire in him burn out instantly.

"Quackity! Oh Q, thank Prime I-" Karl stops his rambling when his eyes finally latch on to Sapnap. Oh.

1131 words.

another pov change?? what is this fanfiction?! tutut.

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