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A/N : sorry but I'm 3rd person povs 'insert thought here' mean thoughts but if In speech they are quotes :)

super cool 3rd person Pov:

Y/N sat slumped against the tree, holding their bleeding neck.

They sat there while listening to, unknown to them, a deranged man speak to them through their phone.

The siren groaned at Wilbur who kept telling them to stay put and keep calm, they couldn't even process what he was saying due to a head ache he was giving them.
Y/N stood up and pulled out their compass leading to the direction of L'mangburg and began to walk over in that direction.

Wilbur heard this through the microphone and began to panic telling the siren to stay put, Y/N ignored his protests and walked.

The sun shon over the siren, watching them giving them light.

They just experienced their first encounter with dream and made it out with only a cut.

Now that man on the phone was really pissing them off, it was a small cut, nothing major.
'Even Dream was less annoying.'

"Hey Will i'm going to end the call now" Y/N said, "I'm about five minutes away from my sorta home. I think?" They mumbled that last bit.

Wilbur wasn't to happy to hear that, "No. Y/N stay on the call. I need you to stay while me and Tommy head over!"

Y/N told the man goodbye and contiued to walk to L'mangburg, it wasn't to far away therefore they would be safe they thought.

The sun, as it still was before moon cast a glow upon the forest. It made it appear more cosy and lively, the oak trees looking more greener in the leaves and roots.

"Only a few more steps," Y/N smiled taking their hand off their neck, wincing lightly at the sudden sting it left.

Their eyes looked over to the lake then in the direction of L'mangburg, 'To go or not to go' they thought.

They shrugged and didn't even have time to think before a rush of wind came towards them, bringing both a tall man and a blonde child.
'Tommy wouldn't of liked to be called a child' the siren chuckled to themself.

After a moment of registration they realised that it was only Wilbur and Tommy.

Wilbur buried his head into Y/N's neck hugging them tightly, Tommy standing a few steps away sighing and looking away from his brother.

"Y/N! Oh my god." Wilbur says pulling his head away yet still hugging them, "Y/N are you alright?! Did he hurt you bad or?"

Y/N forced out a smile to him, tired from todays events and coming back to an overwhelming, clingy man, "not bad to be honest, just that he was a bit threatening and did a lot of interrogation,".

Wilbur looks up/down at them, then notices the cut Dream made in Y/N's neck. 'Oh no' the siren thinks themself.

"Wilbur. Don't panic!" They say placing a hand back upon the cut, it's dry, "You know, Tis but a scratch! Heh but no it is fine!"

/Time skip :0 :0 :0\

Y/N was currently sitting in the drug vans office, being forced down to a chair while being inspected by Fundy.

"Yea, it's fine" he says turning to Wilbur, 'just a small cut".
The man sighs heavily as if he had been holding it in a while. Obviously everyone could see Y/N was fine, but Wilbur was just, Wilbur.

Wilbur then told them to leave, in a polite manner of course but he didn't even allowTommy to stay in the room.
He sat down next to the siren.

The siren in question began to swing there legs back and forth under the chair waiting patiently for what he had to say.

"So Y/N, what did he say to you? And what did you say back?" He asked appearing calm although he was anything but.

"Well I was just walking around sitting in a field then on my way back he kinda, I want to say ambushed me but I'm not so sure it's the right word," They replied.
Wilbur nods and looks into their (E/C) eyes.

"Then he sorta asked me why are you with the L'mangburgians or in his words 'L'childburgians,'" Y/N mocks, "then begins to fuckin' interrogate me, but no worry's I didn't sell you guys out only told him a bit about myself half true but some bits lies."

"And what did you tell him about yourself?" He looks at them holding a strong serious look in his eye, "Because I don't want him to use it against you, because he probably will and would if possible."

The person makes an o shape with their mouth then lets out a forced nervous laugh, "o-oh well only just where I came from and how my siren song works."

Wilbur's eyes widen in both anger and worry, he mumbles a curse under his breath and looks up pinching the bridge of his nose.

He sits up and begins to pace around the room in thought. After a few moments of thought he contorts his face into an unnatural, wide smile, but he then quickly replaces it with a neutral expression.

"Look my belo- sorry." Coughs, "look Y/N I want you to now stay here, in L'mangburg for a while. And I mean no going back to Sally. Just so I can keep you safe."

Relationship meter:


No one fits this category


Sally: 98%
No change

Way he is glad your back and is very angry at the green teletubby and wants to get back at him.

Wayyy your back! He is very happy about that, he can now show his beees! But was concerned when you got hurt.

Welp she is happy your back, after all it's not like they knew you were going to get hurt on your trip out.

Romantic interest:

Dream: 9%
Just thinking bout you, you've stuck in his brain and he doesn't know why.

Hehe everything is slightly coming together, but he is happy you are know safe and well! But anyways he has a bone to pick with that dream.

Glad your not hurt but was concerned for you.

A/N: Hi y'all it feels like an age since I've updated this book for chapter wise but I wanna say I've been focusing on my other book (mage of the forest) and overall got a bit stuck on these chapters, I promise I have stuff planned just have to actually finish writing it XD.


Words: 1122

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