chapter2:new friend

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_–third person pov–_

Phil was so bored becouse the teacher was going on and on about thing's he already know thanks to his brother, and make it more uncomtable is spain keep staring at phil. Phil finaly had engouh so he said "woud you stop that?" Phil is quite annoyed by the answer "what you talking about?"spain said keep staring at phil

"I mean stop staring it's making me uncomtable" phil said not looking at spain "plus why woud you even tell the teacher we know eachother"phil added

"Why? what i said was true we know eachother, we have a past remember?"spain said now looking at the black bord so the teachet wont notice that they were talking

"Well not a verry good one"phil said glaring at spain

"Oh come on,cant you just return the favor that i didn't let you starve on that cage?"spain said still looking at the black bord

Phil just stay silent he cant argue with that he does give him food without his father permision and becouse of that his still alive before he sell him to america then got colonized by japan empire.

Yeah harp past phil looked at the black bord and strated to doze of to wonderland of his.

Finaly it's luch break well first day with one new friend is kinda boring he started to find his two best malaysia and indonisia he then find them sitting then they saw phil and got up

"Yo!philip come"malaysia said

Phil come closer and smiled "hey!wher's your food?"phil ask

"Well were waiting for you let's go we have to get food"indonisia said

They all got up and starting to walk to the counter they were talking then all of a sudden a province walk in and said "Fight!!!ther's a Fight!!!!!"the all the student suddenly got up and follow the student they blinka few times then indo and malay starting following well phil cant do anyting here so he starting to following them


After awhile they reach the fight "who do you think gonna win this time"indo ask "who know's but probly america"malay answerd

"The hell?!why did you leave me?!"phil said cathing his breat

Indo and malay just chuckle and said "phil you know who's that?"malay said pointing at america "hmm?america and russia"phil said malay and indo know push phil into the croud "oy!"phil scream he cant see them becouse of the croud so he just left well he the spoted his childhood enemy Emily,Emily then went to the middle and said"stop!!please stop fighting over me let's go babe"Emily said holding america's hand phil become more confuse when indo and malay came running to me and saying"darn it if it was not for that emily america coud have win" "what?no Russia woud have win!"indo argue while phil ask "does they both like Emily?" "No they were fighting for some reason and they dont even like her even america is not even in a relesionship with her"indo said "ha!"malay laughe "felling maganda(buetie)"phil whisper

Sup hallo sorry for short chap espeshally when i didn't even update for day's im so lazy any way's thank you for voting and reading 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭bye bye

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