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"Why?" I asked

"Because the higher ups said so. You literally punched them" he said with a blank face

I groaned, "How long am I suspended for?" I asked

"A whole week, no meetings, no paperwork, basically do nothing until you get unsuspended" he said with a shrug


I roamed around the dorm rooms as I'm not allowed back from the school,
'I wonder if I could sneak out without the guards noticing'

I look around the empty dorm hallway and smirk. No ones around, I walk back to my room and grab my phone and a black jacket.

I went to the back of the school where a big mango tree stood. I climb i, making my way to the top and reached the top of the wall. I sneak out making my way to a park that is close to a bakery

I sat on the bench swinging my bench and hope no one can see me. I was in my human form anyway so I think no one will suspect


I went over to the bakery where not many people are present.

"Could I please have pan de coco?"

"Oh, sorry we don't have pan de coco" the baker said. She has pretty red hair, light screen and freckles.

"That's okay, I'll have... A pandesal"

"All right sir" she said as she prepared my order "you don't look familiar... Did you just move here?"

"Uhh.. Yeah I'm visiting my grandparents" I said awkwardly

"That's nice. But why did your grandparents move in here? A lot of people have died here already" she hummed at me

"Excuse me?"

"Oh you didn't know? Those humanoid creatures that went to the school near here? Yeah they are in lock down because of the random deaths"

I stayed quite

"I think it's the plague, they keep those humanoid things "safe" while we pedestrians is left on the street to die. Uhg" she continues on and on about how it isn't fair

I was left shook..

"Here you go sweetheart" she said handing me the bag. I quickly thank her and left.

"These people aren't being protected like the organization said were?" I mumbled "this.. Isn't happening... I have more than a thousand of my people here.. "

I ran straight back to the school and into my dorm where I saw Poland watching TV

"Sup" he greeted

"Hey.. ", I sighed sitting next to him

" where have you been?"

I didn't answer "did you know about the random deaths that's been happening outside the gates lately?"

"Huh? Random what? No, people are safe here. The organization said that they keep them in lock down" he replied

"Since when are they in lock down?"

"About a month after the ball"

"Are people still getting killed? "

"No? I don't think so"

I rested my body on the sofa.

"Why are asking me this?"

"I spoke to a Baker in the bakery down the street. People in this land are dying" I whispered to no one.

Just then the door open and indo walked in.

"Sup Phil"

"Hey" I greeted and went to my room, before I slam the door I heard

"What's up with him"


Probably my last update.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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