short chap peek for my chap4

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"Phil you didnt tell us you have sibling's"indo said

"You guy's dont know?"america said while sweating

"Uhh phil when will your brother um come?"japan ask

"Ah shoot.. i need to preper my bunker"spain mumble but enough for them to hear.

"No no i cant belive it. Tell them not to go here there crazy!"Emily said

"Gosh.over reacting so much so what if phil brother come visit?it's not like it will be the end of the world if they see you"Russia replied

"You dont get it's Del and Martial"spain said

"So?what's wrong with them"malay ask

"Didn't you hear what i said?ther Crazy."Emily repeat

Phil stand up from his chair and turn to emily

"What?!what did you said about my brother?" Phil ask angry and had a look if he woud kill Emily by second

"Lisen here. Just because my dad and your dad are friend doest mean if you say another word you will never see daylight your lucky im even being nice but not to nice to not hurt you got it?"phip added then went back to an innocent smile and went back to his sit not caring what they say or talked about


Soooooo um this is sooo short and um two chap with one day soo im bored and pls sorry for wrong grammar and miss spelling love ya all any way's here a back story with katipunan and emily dad

Emily's dad and Phil dad are partner with thing they did and introduce emily to his three son well emily and the other didnt get along because she was jelous of phil she thougt that he was a girl one day emily crush give phil a flower for valantimes day and since that day Emily threw tantrum when she see phil and alway's find away to hurt him and martial and del protect ther little brother and prank emily or do pay back like puting 10 big rock with worm and dirt to her bag.

That all byeby

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